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Virtual Block Watch

The Phoenix Police Department has launched a new crime fighting program called "Virtual Block Watch". The idea is simple, if you have a security camera let us know that you do. Then, if there is a crime in the area we will know where we might be able to find video footage of the suspect.
Registering your camera not only helps deter crime, but assists the Department in its overall crime prevention strategy in your neighborhood. You aren't granting us control of your camera or sharing control, simply letting us know you have it so we know where another set of eyes are to help us fight crime. You can register and become a part of the program now.
Precinct Patrol Area Maps
Phoenix Police Foundation
Phoenix Police Foundation [a 501(C)(3)] was established in 2002 with the intent to gain community support for unmet police department capital needs, and provide financial assistance for department employees and their families in times of crises.
During the past 12 years the Foundation has provided emergency assistance for dozens of individuals facing personal tragedies, funding for technology needs for the department, officers' equipment and other various initiatives that help the Phoenix Police Department in its efforts to keep America's sixth-largest city as safe as possible.