This will allow the City to maintain compliance with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality's (ADEQ's) Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) program. This post-construction program is not a substitute for any current application, permitting, inspection, or approval process.
This program applies to all new public and private development and redevelopment projects completed on or after June 30, 2022. The following criteria will be used to determine inclusion in this program:
- Project is one (1) acre or greater in size
- Construction application was submitted or after June 30, 2022
- Project contains permanent post-construction controls (detention basin, dry well, green infrastructure, etc.)
Please note, this program is still in development. Updates will be posted to this site as they become available. Below is a summary of anticipated program requirements.
Applicable projects will undergo a site inspection within one (1) year after construction completion. Additional inspections may be required in the future to confirm feature functionality.
Maintenance requirements under the current City of Phoenix Stormwater Policies and Standards Manual and applicable Phoenix City Code in Chapter 32 remain in effect.
Starting March 1, 2024, developers or property owners (or designee) will be required to complete a site-specific maintenance plan for post-construction stormwater controls and include in the Grading & Drainage or Paving Plan Submittal. The plan shall include the site conditions, maintenance frequency and practices, and inspection criteria for each stormwater post-construction control. The City developed a manual template to streamline development and approval of this plan, TRT 000132, Operations and Maintenance Plan Template. Find the current version linked below in the resources.