
In 2022, the Arizona Legislature passed Senate Bill 1168 which authorized cities and towns to create a limited permit/license process to further regulate Short-Term Rentals (STRs). In September 2023, Phoenix City Council approved a text amendment to the Short-Term Rental Ordinance, which altered the existing ordinance from a registration requirement to a permitting requirement. The new ordinance will go into effect on November 6, 2023. 

Summary of Changes

  • New STR ordinance replaces existing STR registration with limited STR permit process.
  • ​​All STR properties must obtain a STR permit from the Planning and Development Department. 
    • ​City must issue or deny permit within 7 days​
    • Owner may appeal denial, non-renewal or suspension
  • Non-residential and other uses are prohibited by A.R.S. 9-500.39
  • Enhanced civil penalties ​

Read the Amended STR Ordinance


Enhanced Penalty Structure

The new Short-Term Rental Ordinance introduces an enhanced penalty structure for court-adjudicated incidents/violations: 

  • First violation: minimum $500 or one night's rental fee
  • Second violation: minimum $1,000 or two night's rental fee
  • Third violation: minimum $3,500 or three night's rental fee

​Permit may be suspended for 12 months if: 

    • Within 12-month period, the STR has 3 court-adjudicated violations
    • Within 12 month period, one conviction of felonies or other serious crimes within one year

Enforcement Agency​

The Neighborhood Services Department is the lead enforcement agency for short-term rentals through the code compliance process. The department is responsible for:
  • Investigating unpermitted STRs
  • Verifying STR violations
  • Issuing Notice of Ordinance Violations where applicable 

To file a complaint against an unpermitted or unregistered short-term rental, visit MyPHX311 or send an email to blight@phoenix.gov​. ​

​File a Complaint with NSD



Beginning on October 26, 2023, the Planning and Development Department's SHAPE PHX customer portal will begin accepting short-term rental permit applications. Permits will begin being issued on November 6, 2023. 

Submittal Requirements

Initial and renewal fee of $250 for each permit

TPT License | Arizona Department of Revenue​

Update your rental status at Maricopa County Assessor's Office

Complete the required documents: 

Affidavit & Attestation - Acknowledgment and Agreement

Description - Map of Safety Equipment

Attestation of Compliance - Notice to Adjacent Neighbors

Owners Designee Authorization​


Owner must send notice to adjacent properties of intent to operate as STR

Owner must display STR permit/license number on each advertisement for STR.


The renewal process starts 30 days before the permit expires. You are required to renew you permit within 15 business days of the expiration date.

To renew your STR Permit / License number, please login to our ShapePHX website https://shapephx.phoenix.gov/s/ and find the associated STR number. There will be a Renew button next to the permit in question. If we have all required documents from the application and they are compliant (Affidavit & Attestation - Acknowledgement and Agreement, Map of Safety Equipment, Attestation of Compliance, Owners Designee Authorization, and Certified Mailing Receipts), all that is required is the $250 Renewal Fee. If you have questions, please email us at vacation.rental@phoenix.gov


​​SHAPE PHX Website

​How-To Video: Submittin​g an STR Permit Application
​SHAPE PHX User Guide: STR Permit Applications

​Contact Us!

For questions about the Short-Term Rental Rental Ordinance or permit requirements, please contact:


For technical questions about SHAPE PHX, contact: 


To submit a code enforcement complaint, contact the Neighborhood Services Department's Neighborhood Preservation division: 


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