Zoning Use Permits and Variances
A Use Permit is a request to allow a use which is permitted by the Zoning Ordinance provided that the use will not cause an adverse impact on adjacent property or properties in the area. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Officer must find two (2) conditions exist in order to rule favorably on a Use Permit request. The burden of proof is with the applicant and the granting of a Use Permit is at the Zoning Administrator’s or Hearing Officer's discretion.
A Variance is a request to allow a deviation from a development standard required by the Zoning Ordinance. The Arizona State Statutes and the Zoning Ordinance require that four (4) conditions exist on the subject property for a variance to be approved. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Officer must find that these four conditions exist on the subject property to rule favorably on a variance request. It is the burden of the applicant to prove his or her case.
For descriptions of conditions, see page 2 of the Zoning Adjustment Packet.