Street Transportation Department Green Initiatives

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Going Green: Our sustainability efforts and green factsAs part of our mission we are working hard in a variety of ways, in both our internal operations and mission critical work, to preserve and protect our environment while simultaneously making Phoenix a healthier and more viable community. We’re truly making Phoenix more sustainable every day and remain committed to further strengthening our culture of sustainability. Review some examples of our sustainability efforts on this page.

Solar Powered Parking Meters
Parking meter by curb

Green Fact - Phoenix has more than 1,500 parking meters that are solar powered.

Rubberized Asphalt
Freshly paved city street

Green Fact - Rubberized asphalt, is pavement material that consists of regular asphalt concrete mixed with crumb rubber made from recycled tires. Phoenix pioneered the use of this material.

Street Inspectors on Bikes
City inspector riding bicycle

Green Fact - Street inspectors using bikes reduces car traffic and saves gasoline.

Grid Bike Share
GRID bikes

Green Fact - Since its launch in 2014, Grid Bike Share has helped off-set carbon. Grid Bikes were also used in April 20th Bike to Work Day!  More >

LED Street Lights
Streetlights at night

Green Fact - Widespread use of LED lighting has the greatest potential impact on energy savings in the United States.

Low Impact Design
sidewalk scene

Green Fact - Permeable concrete on East Hatcher Road. Using pervious concrete reduces the amount of untreated runoff discharging into storm sewers.

LED Traffic Signals
traffic signal

Green Fact - A majority of the City’s traffic signals feature LED lighting technology.


Trees lining the street

Green Fact - Phoenix sees an estimated $40.25M in annual benefits from its urban forest and we're aiming to double the current tree and shade canopy to 25% by 2050.

Water HarvestingRainwater diverted from gutter to trees along street

Green Fact - Rainwater harvesting is saving or re-using rainwater on-site, rather than allowing it to run off. It can be used to irrigate plants.