The City of Phoenix Human Services Department launched an Eviction Legal Services Program to assist Phoenix residents experiencing a current eviction crisis. Eligible residents may receive access to full or limited legal representation at court, mediation outside of a courtroom proceeding, or post-eviction services to address possible impediments to future renting opportunities. There is no cost to residents for these services.
Program Eligibility
Must reside within the city of Phoenix or receive City of Phoenix water services
Must be at risk of eviction or have already been evicted
Must have a household income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) for Maricopa County
2024 HUD 80% Area Median Income | 1 Person in Household
| 2 Persons in Household | 3 Persons in Household | 4 Persons in Household | 5 Persons in Household | 6 Persons in Household | 7 Persons in Household | 8 Persons in Household |
$57,600 | $65,800 | $74,050 | $82,250 | $88,850 | $95,450 | $102,000 | $108,600