![Pavement Cut 3.jpg](/streetssite/MediaAssets/Pavement%20Cut%203.jpg)
The pavement cut policy is not a new policy; rather it is a revision to the City’s long-standing pavement cut policy. Prior to the recent changes, Phoenix’s pavement cut policy had not been updated since 1987.
In August 2015, Phoenix voters approved Proposition 104 (Transportation 2050), which will provide an additional $2.3 billion to build and maintain City streets over a 35-year period. As the condition of City streets is often a significant issue to the community, and to respect the significant investment Phoenix residents made to improve their streets with Transportation 2050, City staff received direction from Council in May 2016 to revise and update the pavement cut policy.
As background, the City’s street network totals nearly 5,000 miles. Each year there are between 6,000 and 7,000 pavement cuts into this network made by right-of-way stakeholders, primarily utility companies and private developers. No matter how well a pavement cut is performed and subsequently repaired, studies show that when a street is cut, there is a negative and lasting impact to the surrounding pavement as well as the soil under it that reduces the service life of that pavement.
To initiate the policy update, City staff reviewed similar policies in place in other cities across the Valley. This review revealed that the fees and restoration requirements included in Phoenix’s 30-year pavement cut policy were among the lowest and least restrictive among Valley cities. This did not seem appropriate since Phoenix residents elected to tax themselves locally and specifically to improve their roadways.
As City staff evaluated improvements to the existing policy, our intent was never to adopt the highest or most restrictive pavement cut requirements. While some Valley cities have adopted moratoriums on street cuts to protect new pavement, moratoriums were never considered by City staff. Instead, the City’s revised policy focuses on four areas:
- Improved Coordination Efforts – City staff will meet quarterly with right-of-way stakeholders and developed a mapping tool to provide detailed information about street construction and maintenance projects scheduled over the next 5 years. These efforts are intended to better plan and coordinate pavement cuts and projects that will cut into Phoenix streets.
- Protecting New Pavement – Phoenix will require an asphalt mill and overlay for cuts into pavements less than two years old. This requirement restores cuts to new pavement investments and encourages coordination of project work that will cut into our streets.
- Elimination of Street Cut Fees – While many valley cities rely on assessing surcharge fees for cutting into their pavements, Phoenix chose to focus less on this option and more on improved coordination.
- Enhancing Appearance of all Pavement Cuts – Like most cities in the region, Phoenix has always required slurry or micro seal treatments for pavement cuts regardless of pavement age. However, Phoenix’s revised policy eliminated the 300’ cut length requirement, so that quality and appearance of all pavement cuts will be improved.
From the initial direction to City Council’s adoption of the revised Pavement Cut policy, City staff engaged in an 11-month process focused on openness, coordination, and partnership with right-of-way stakeholders. City staff held five coordination meetings with right-of-way stakeholders, which included standing invitations to and the participation of the major utility companies and representatives of the development community. The five meetings were held on August 31, 2016; October 13, 2016; December 15, 2016; January 5, 2017; and February 8, 2017 (which was hosted by the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce). Additionally, City staff presented information, as well as its recommended policy changes to the Phoenix Citizens Transportation Commission (November 17, 2016 and February 23, 2017) and the Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee (May 24, 2016; November 29, 2016; and March 14, 2017), before the City Council’s adoption of the revised policy on April 19, 2017. Staff also recommended a July 1, 2017 implementation date, more than two months after Council approval of the policy revisions.
The revised policy implemented on July 1, 2017:
- respects Phoenix citizens’ significant investments in city streets;
- emphasizes coordination of work in the right-of-way; and
- ensures that streets are adequately restored after being cut.
Updated Pavement Cut Policy - Effective July 1, 2017 (See Article III, Chapter 31-49.1)
If you have questions or comments pertaining to this policy, please contact:
Kevin Sonoda - Special Projects Administrator