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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Police Department Media Relations

    Phoenix Police Department Public Affairs Bureau logo.

    The Public Affairs Bureau’s (PAB) mission is to facilitate high quality communication to our internal and external customers, promote positive awareness of the department, and to proactively support the department’s crime suppression goals.​​​

    ​PAB is also responsible for promoting the department's image through marketing departmental programs and community services campaigns.

    Media Relations Unit

    On-call PIO

    ​All PIOs may be reached via the Media Inquiry Portal.

    Coverage hours are typically weekdays (non-holidays) from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.​

    ​​After Hours

    At nights, city holidays, and on weekends, the Media Inquiry Portal will be monitored for emergencies or inquiries related to critical incidents. Otherwise, media members can request the on-duty lieutenant at the scene.

    Media Advisories

    An archive of media advisories is available to view in our M​edia Advisory ​page. ​​

    About the Media Relations Unit

    The Media Relations Unit, is staffed by full-time Public Information Sergeants (PIO's) and​ are responsible for disseminating timely and accurate information to media, as well as media advisories relating to police activities and events. 

    The unit is also a resource for other Phoenix Police Department work units seeking on-scene assistance with breaking news events, media relations training, or publicity for activities that reflect positively upon the police department.  

    • Deputy Director Donna Rossi

    • Lieutenant Vince Lewis

    • Public Information Sergeant Philip Krynsky

    • Public Information Sergeant Brian Bower

    • Public Information Sergeant Rob Scherer

    Police ​​Publ​ic Records​​

    Media can submit public records requests onlin​e​. All public records requests are handled by the Public Records Unit and Services Unit located at 1717 E Grant Street, Suite 100. ​Please be aware of this if you are on a deadline.

    Open​ Data

    To be transparent​, public information is posted to interactive dashboards and data tables on Phoenix's Open ​Data portal. ​​

    Other Public Records

    Form IV’s and Court Documents: Please contact the court for copies of these documents.

    Mugshots: Please contact the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office for mugshots.

    Silent Witness

    The Silent Witness Program began in Phoenix in March, 1979. The goal of the program is to provide an easy opportunity for citizens to give the p​olice information about felony criminal activity, with a guarantee of anonymity and cash rewards as an incentive. The concept is to combine the forces of the public, the media and the police in solving felony crimes committed throughout Maricopa County. All rewards are paid out of privately donated funds. 

    The Silent Witness Program has developed into an inter-agency task force, utilizing detectives from all valley law enforcement agencies. Approximately 25% of the crimes solved and rewards paid through Silent Witness are from outside the City of Phoenix. 

    Currently, the Silent Witness Program is headed by a Phoenix Police Sergeant and is comprised of two full time Phoenix Detectives and one Police Assistant. ​

    To learn more about how the Silent Witness Program works, please visit their website.

    If you recognize the suspect or have information on the crime, call 480-WITNESS or go online, www.silentwitness.o​rg to provide a tip. ​​