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Full Transparency

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) conducted a Civil Pattern or Practice inquiry into the Phoenix Police Department.​ The department welcomed this inquiry to help us understand how we can better serve the community. This was not an investigation of individuals or any one specific incident. After a 34 month investigation, the DOJ published a report on June 13, 2024. Visit the DOJ Investigation Report Incidents​ Wesbite for related information.​

DOJ Investigation Report Incidents Website​​
For related information​ visit the DOJ Investigation Report Incidents Website​​​​

Phoenix City Leaders Outline Improvement Plans to City Council

To provide feedback or give input contact the DOJ directly at 866-432-0335 or email phoenix.community@usdoj.gov

You may also contact the Phoenix Police Department Liaison Team at ppd.dojinvestigation@phoenix.gov​​.

Polices and Training Materials​​​ 09-24-2024 Police, OHS & OAT Policy Presentation to City Council (PDF)​​​​​

The Evolution of Police Reform in Phoenix

The City of Phoenix, its Police Department, and the community are working together to create a standard which prioritizes a genuine commitment to continuous improvement. The Phoenix Police Department believes reform is about becoming a self-assessing and self-correcting agency, while prioritizing public safety, transparency, accountability and training. Various community groups and the Phoenix City Council are vital pieces in fostering this evolution. Below are several areas where the actions behind these commitments are being prioritized. 

Expand each title for an explanation of reforms and actions taken to continuously improve.​

Use of Force

​The goal of every encounter is to protect innocent bystanders, Phoenix Police Department (PPD) members, suspected offenders, and the broader community by bringing that encounter to a successful resolution. In some instances, force may be used to achieve these goals. PPD is continuously working with community groups and law enforcement experts ​to advance policy, training and tools in this area. Below you will find a link to a list of the proactive measures taken to ensure PPD is an industry leader in the use and evaluation of force.

Download Use of Force Timeline (PDF)
Read Article New Use of Force Policy Drafted with Community, Officer and DOJ Input



Potentially Discriminatory Policing Practices

​The Phoenix Police Department has taken steps to foster a culture of empathy and respect. The following are some of the initiatives taken to create and strengthen an anti-discrimination culture. 

Download Potentially Discriminatory Policing Practices Timeline (PDF)​


First Amendment Protest Response

​The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to exercise free speech and assemble peacefully. The Phoenix Police Department has taken steps to ensure these rights are protected. Training and education are vital steps in the process of ensuring these rights are respected. Navigate to the link below for a list of reforms in this area.

Download First Amendment Protest Response (PDF)​


Mental and Behavioral Health Response

​Some of the most complicated encounters facing peace officers involve encounters with individuals experiencing mental and behavioral health issues. The City of Phoenix is continuously collaborating with the community to improve its response and resources in this area. Navigate to the link below for a list of measures taken in this area.

Download Mental and Behavioral Health Response Timeline (PDF)​

Updated Call Diversion Numbers​
Updated Call Diversion Numbers




Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Trai​ning​
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training


People Experiencing Homelessness

​It is not illegal to be unsheltered and the City of Phoenix and its Police Department are committed to leading with services when encountering someone experiencing homelessness. The City of Phoenix has and will continue to invest in this urgent need for our community. Below are several measures taken to meet the complex necessities in this area​.

Download People Experiencing Homelessness Timeline (PDF)





City of Phoenix Places 585 People in Shelter While Complying with Court Order Ahead of Deadline

Continuous Improvement

​The City of Phoenix and Phoenix Police Department are committed to continuously assessing and improving all aspects of service to the community. Policies and procedures must withstand the test of time and be changed when necessary. All major policy changes are now sent out for public review and comment, which creates a collaboration between PPD and the community it serves. ​Below you will find a link to some of the measures taken to foster a culture of continuous improvement​.

Watch Phoenix PD receives ALEA Accreditation Video

Download Continuous Improvement Timeline (PDF)​​​​​




Phoenix Police Department​​

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)​​​

What specifically did DOJ look into? 

  1. Whether PPD uses excessive force, including deadly force 
  2. Whether PPD engages in discriminatory policing practices 
  3. Whether PPD retaliates against individuals engaged in protests or demonstrations 
  4. How the City and PPD deal with behavioral health disabilities and those in crisis
  5. Whether the City and PPD violate the rights of those experiencing homelessness by unlawfully seizing and disposing of their belongings.

Who handled the investigation? 

​Lawyers from the Department of Justice conducted the investigation and brought in police subject matter experts to assist them.

​Was this a civil or criminal investigation? 

This is a civil investigation. They are not looking to criminally investigate individual officers. 

Who did they interview? 

Investigators spoke directly with more than 130 employees at the Phoenix Police Department and City of Phoenix. DOJ investigators also say they took input from the community. phoenix.community@usdoj.gov​​.

How long did the investigation last?​ 

Roughly 34 months. The Justice Department announced its investigation on August 5, 2021 and published a report outlining its allegations​ on June 13, 2024.

Did this investigation have any effect on the services police provide to the community? 

No. The Phoenix Police Department is committed to the mission to protect, serve and reduce crime, while treating everyone with dignity and respect. Any changes, policy reviews, or reforms currently underway will continue as planned. The DOJ has encouraged us to move forward with reforms and changes we have in progress. ​

What does pattern or practice specifically mean?

The DOJ conducts an independent review to bring to light any persistent patterns of misconduct and whether systemic deficiencies enable it to persist. They are evaluating repeating behavior as opposed to one-time events.​​​​​​​​

Open each year to see DOJ Investigation updates.


Week of August 2
DOJ opens a Pattern or Practice Investigation into the City of Phoenix and the Phoenix Police Department.

City and police leadership meet with DOJ to discuss the process of investigation.

Week of August 9
DOJ holds the first community meeting virtually for input from the public.

Week of August 16
DOJ discusses records retention ​with city.

Week of August 23
City staff provides DOJ with citywide record retention schedules, Arizona’s minimum retention requirements for law enforcement agencies and Phoenix Police Department retention schedules.

Week of August 30
City and PPD creates interdisciplinary teams designed to facilitate cooperation with the DOJ investigation. This includes a six (6) member Liaison Team within the police department, headed up by an Asst. Chief.

​Week of September 6
DOJ requests 70 items related to policies and procedures, training, supervision, organizational structure and leadership, behavioral health response, response to those experiencing homelessness and data/technology systems.

Week of September 13
DOJ and City/PD leaders meet to discuss protocols on how to deliver the information requested as well as discussing retention schedules and the litigation hold.

PPD Liaison Team attends patrol briefings to outline the purpose and objectives of DOJ liaison team and fields questions about the investigation.

Week of September 20
DOJ begins scheduling virtual site visits and virtual interviews, set to begin next week.

Staff fulfills first request for documents.

Week of September 27
DOJ virtual interviews with city employees begin.​

Staff evaluates needs for software to streamline document sharing process with DOJ.

​Week of October 4
PPD staff holds community meeting to raise awareness about the DOJ investigation and answer questions.

PPD Liaison Team attends additional patrol and specialty briefings to update staff on the investigation and answer questions. 

Week of October 11
PPD Liaison Team meets with the police department’s American Indian Advisory Board to provide information and answer questions about investigation. 

Week of October 18
Staff discusses and reviews mock-ups of DOJ Community Resource page on phoenix.gov. 

Document sharing software added to Phoenix City Council agenda to efficiently provide DOJ with requested documents. 

Week of October 25
City launches Department of Justice Community Resources website at phoenix.gov/DOJ to answer frequently asked questions and provide a timeline of ongoing investigation.

Phoenix City Council approves contract for software to assist in the delivery of city documents to the DOJ.

PPD Liaison team gives presentation and answers community questions in meetings with Cactus Park Community Alliance and Coffee with a Cop in the Black Mountain Precinct.​

​Week of November 1
PPD Liaison Team and city staff meet with residents from community and neighborhood groups to discuss and answer questions about the investigation.

City meets with DOJ investigators for a debrief and status update on the investigation.​

Week of November 8
City staff and DOJ discussed status of document requests and city systems.​​​

Week of November 15
​City Staff completed the response to the September 9 request for documents from the Department of Justice by sharing over 53,000 documents.

Staff continues evaluation of software to streamline document sharing process with DOJ.

Week of November 29
DOJ attends virtual meeting with community stakeholders in the Desert Horizon Precinct.​

City staff are evaluating firms to provide outside legal counsel specific to DOJ investigation.

Members of the PPD Liaison Team meet with the Crisis Community Collaborative, answering questions regarding the DOJ Investigation.

City meets with staff from Minneapolis on the status of their DOJ investigation.

City conducts interviews with several law firms who submitted offers for outside counsel in the DOJ investigation.

Staff attends workshops and discussions surrounding those experiencing homelessness and constitutional policing under consent decrees with other entities

Staff attends a demonstration of the e-discovery tool to process documents for DOJ production.​​

​Week of December 6 & 13
City staff continue to meet to discuss logistics for providing access to  PPD systems to DOJ Investigators.   

​​Week of December 20 & 27
City staff provided the DOJ a virtual demonstration of the PPD's records management system.

City staff continue to meet to discuss logistics for providing access to PPD systems to DOJ Investigators.    



​Week of January 3
City s​taff attends training for new e-discovery system to process documents for DOJ production. 

City staff meets with DOJ to discuss next steps in the investigation. 

​Staff continues evaluation of software systems for document sharing and demonstrations of systems with DOJ.​

Week of January 10
City Staff continue to train on ​City’s new e-discovery system to process documents for DOJ production.

City staff have four meetings with DOJ to demonstrate several City systems, and a meeting to discuss an agreement for access to City systems.

PPD Liaison Team to DOJ gives presentation to a north central business group. ​

Week of January 17
​Staff meets with contracted outside counsel team. 

Staff continues to discuss permissions access and the sharing of data systems with the DOJ. 

PPD Liaison Team gives virtual presentation to City Council District 3’s Community Meeting.​

Week of January 31
​DOJ participates in virtual tour of the Phoenix Police Department, focusing on policy development and training, including interviews and observation of recruit training classes. ​

Members of the PPD Liaison Team briefed Academy recruit class regarding DOJ classroom observation.

City staff and DOJ investigators debrief and plan for further virtual interviews and classroom observation.​

​Week of February 7​
C​ity staff presented information about the DOJ investigation at a Phoenix Community Alliance committee meeting.    

DOJ Investigators observe the Interactive Survival Training block of instruction for ​​​Academy Class #552

Week of February 14
​DOJ continues virtual tour with further interviews and observation of recruit training class. ​

City receives second request for documents and information from DOJ including 133 items related to data systems, use of force/response to resistance, misconduct/discipline, homelessness and the Ballard Spahr investigations into the challenge coin and October 17 protest charges.

​Week of February 21​
City Staff continue interviews with PPD and DOJ Investigators  

City staff meet with DOJ Investigators to discuss data and systems sharing. 

DOJ Investigators continue to virtually observe the PPD Recruit Academy class trainings. 

Week of February 28
City Staff and DOJ continue to discuss production of documents and sharing access to City data systems. 

DOJ Investigators virtually observe a recruit class on traffic stops​

​Week of March 7
City staff prepare material to fulfill DOJ document request.​

City staff meet with DOJ to discuss first on-site visit.

Week of March 14
City staff attends Phoenix Police Asian American Advisory Board meeting to present information about DOJ investigation.

(see Community Briefings PowerPoint Presentation under Resources on main DOJ page) 

City staff continues to coordinate two proposed upcoming in person site visits by DOJ investigators and respond to document production requests.  

Week of March 21
City staff continues to coordinate two upcoming in person site visits by DOJ investigators.

City staff responds to DOJ’s document production requests.  

Week of March 28 
DOJ team visits a number of police precincts over a two-day period and conducts ride-a-longs in each of those precincts, as well as demonstrations and review of police technology and systems. 

City staff continues to respond to DOJ’s request for documents and databases.

City staff attend two-day conference regarding consent decrees.

​Week of April​ 4
City staff discuss DOJ investigative findings in other jurisdictions.

City staff continues to make arrangements for the second in-person site visit by DOJ investigators and respond to systems and document requests.

Week of April 11
DOJ conducts virtual interview and receives a virtual homelessness program presentation from city staff

City staff  meet with DOJ investigators to plan for in-person visit and discuss sharing access to City data systems

City posts recruitment for an Assistant Chief candidate with DOJ knowledge and experience

​Week of April 18
DOJ conducts virtual interviews with employees from Law and Police Departments.

City staff have a meeting with DOJ to discuss confidentiality and user agreements for access to City systems.

Week of April 25
​DOJ investigator team conducts second site visit. The team reviewed city services and response to people experiencing homelessness, First Amendment and protest practices, toured the Police Academy and observed classes, and conducted ride-a-longs with various squads and city departments.

​Week of May 2
DOJ Investigators observe off-duty safety instruction for recruit class.

City staff and DOJ exchange emails to begin planning for the third in-person site visit and additional virtual interviews.

City staff respond to additional document requests from the site visits, and meet to debrief and plan.

Week of May 9
DOJ and city staff conduct several meetings to discuss further interviews for investigation and document production.

DOJ virtually observes recruit class instruction on crowd control formation and tactics.

City staff continue to debrief last visit, plan for the next DOJ in-person visit and review further documents for production.

​Week of May 16

City staff present to DOJ on the Quality Assurance program at Phoenix.

DOJ cancels in person visit  scheduled for the following week due to illness.​

Week of May 23
City receives a new request from the DOJ. This third document request specifically relates to the City response to First Amendment protected activities as well as interaction with underaged residents.

City receives a follow up on the first and second production requests to clarify and make further requests for document production and information.

Week of June 6
City staff continue to work on DOJ’s Third Request for document production.

City staff and DOJ discuss next in-person visit schedule and request for production regarding document formatting and email searches​.

Week of June 27
DOJ investigator team conducts third site visit. The team toured two precincts and conducted ride-a-longs and interviews of Neighborhood Enforcement Teams and Community Action Officers.

The City prepared and produced a general information update for City Council on the status of the DOJ investigation to date, which was published July 1. Read update.

City staff received City Council approval for document review contracts to assist the city in producing documents for the investigation.

City staff continue to work on document and systems production and  preparing for the next on-site visit.​

​Week of July 4
City staff meet with DOJ investigators to discuss July site visit, feedback from prior visit and production of documents.

City staff attended the Chief’s LGBTQ Advisory Board meeting to provide community members with an update on the status of the investigation.​

Week of July 11 
DOJ conducts virtual interview and met with City staff to discuss document production.

The PPD Liaison Team attended the Faith Based Advisory Board meeting.​

Week of July 18
DOJ in person visit conducting interviews with Police personnel regarding Community Resources and Tactical Response Units.

Week of July 25 
City staff meets with DOJ investigators regarding document production. 

City staff meet with technology consultant for evaluation of new RMS system.​

​Week of August 1​
City staff meets virtually with DOJ investigators to discuss requirements for the third request for documents and information.​

City staff presented supplemental materials to DOJ investigators related to performance measures.

Week of August 8​
Staff completed production for DOJ’s second request for documents and information and met virtually with DOJ to discuss the third request for documents.​

DOJ interviewed staff regarding City programs and approach to behavioral health disabilities.

Week of August 15
City staff continues working on production of requested files and information to fulfill  DOJ’s third request for documents.

City staff prepares for DOJ visit the week of August 23rd.​

Week of August 22
DOJ completes 5th site visit including ride-a-longs and interviews related to the focus areas of people with disabilities and individuals experiencing homelessness.

DOJ attends community meeting at the Maryvale-Estrella Mountain Precinct.​

Week of August 29

Staff met online with DOJ to discuss technical and systems matters.

​Staff continued to compile information for presentations to DOJ in September.

​Week of September 5​

City staff met virtually with the DOJ to discuss the status of the investigation.

City staff continue to work on virtual presentations to give to DOJ in September regarding City’s Professional Standards Bureau, Compliance and Oversight Bureau, Discipline Review Board, Tactical Support Bureau, Training Review Committee,  Driving Analysis Committee, Critical Incident Review Board and City Auditor.

Week of September 12
City staff gives overview to the DOJ team of the Professional Standards Bureau, Disciplinary Review Board processes and  the Compliance and Oversight Bureau’s roles and function.

City staff receives the DOJ’s fourth request for documents with a focus on Behavioral Health Response and Crisis System.

City staff, including Chief Williams, meets with Interim Chief Sullivan to provide background and status of DOJ investigation.

Week of September 19
Members of the Training Review Committee, Driving Analysis Committee and the Critical Incident Review Board presented to DOJ investigators their role and function.

City Auditor staff provided a presentation to DOJ staff of the auditor functions.

City Staff met to review and outline the fourth DOJ request for documentation​.

City staff presented the results of the Crisis Intervention Review Committee pilot to Executive Staff and received feedback regarding improvements.

City staff presented information on a pilot for a Force Analysis Unit for enhanced review of police responses to resistance to start this Fall.

Week of September 26 

City staff meets virtually with DOJ investigators to review items from the third request for documents and information. 

DOJ requests documents in reference to several presentations from city staff over the past month; these documents will assist DOJ with planning the October site visit.

DOJ and city staff meets virtually to discuss technical and systems issues. 

City staff discusses consultant and training options for Relativity e-discovery software for the production of documents to DOJ.​​​

Week of October 3​
​​City staff meets with DOJ investigators to review documents and information they requested.

City staff continues to work on producing documents in response to DOJ investigators request to prepare for October visit.

Week of October 10
City staff met with DOJ for an interview discussing  the police staffing and rebid process. 

Recruitment for DOJ IT Program Manager opened.​

City staff met virtually with several individuals who worked with Baltimore PD on their DOJ investigation and the Baltimore consent decree.

Week of October 17
City Staff visit City of Baltimore and the Baltimore Police Department to learn about their history, their consent decree and identify emerging best practices.

Week of October 24
DOJ completes 6th site visit including precinct staff interviews and patrol ride-a-longs at the Black Mountain and Maryvale-Estrella Mountain Precincts.

The DOJ team attended and observed a Supervisor Leadership training, Use of force advanced officer training, and a recruit class on high risk stops and ballistic shields at the Phoenix Police Academy.

DOJ also interviewed staff and toured the Compliance and Oversight Bureau at Historic City Hall, toured and interviewed Special Investigations Detail at the Family Advocacy Center, and shadowed a school resource officer at Desert Sands Middle School.​

Week of November 7​​
Staff continues gathering records for DOJ Request for Production #4. 

Staff continues processing information from interviews and DOJ follow-up requests.

Staff reviews options for document production technology training providers.

Week of November 21 

Staff continues to work on gathering records for DOJ Requests for Production and exploring technology solutions.

Week of November 28

Staff continues working on Requests for Production Items.

Staff met online with DOJ to discuss follow-up on interviews from the October site visit and documents they have requested from their visit

​Week of December​ 5
Staff meet virtually with DOJ to discuss technical issues with RMS system queries. 

DOJ Investigators virtually observe the Training Bureau’s Tactical Response Unit—Field Force certification training. DOJ observed the following blocks of instruction: TRU Legal

Considerations (PPD Legal Unit staff), Mass Arrest Protocol (Violent Crimes Bureau—Assaults Unit staff), and Crowd Control Techniques (Tactical Training Detail staff).

Week of December 12 

City staff prepare documents and answers for review for DOJ document requests with DOJ next week​.



The Office of Homeless solutions met virtually with the DOJ to discuss Phoenix homeless programs that provide emergency shelter and other services to community members.

City staff continues working on internal projects and document production requests.

Staff completes a large DOJ follow-up request for training materials, including videos and incident reports related to those videos that were used in Academy classes.

Staff prepared draft Use of Force policy for public feedback.

City staff posted the draft Use of Force policy on Phoenix.gov/newsroom/police for internal and external feedback.

City staff completed the fourth Requests for Production (RFP) of documents to DOJ.

DOJ and city staff participated in an online meeting to discuss technical questions regarding the Police's Records Management System (RMS). 

City staff continued working with DOJ to provide access to the Police Record Management System (RMS).

Public comments are being taken for the draft Use of Force Policy.

Public comment period ended for the draft use of force policy; city staff are reviewing comments.

City staff continued to respond to DOJ document requests and questions.  

City staff met virtually with several individuals who worked with the Seattle Police Department on their DOJ investigation and monitoring.

City staff met with the DOJ to provide technical assistance as the DOJ works to understand and reconstruct applications from City's databases for review and access.

Staff continued to work on gathering records for DOJ production and answer questions related to their requests. 

City staff met with the DOJ to plan for the April site visit.

DOJ staff virtually observed training at PD Academy.

City staff worked to coordinate DOJ site visit for the week of April 10. 

City staff hosted the DOJ for its seventh site visit.

DOJ conducted interviews of staff on the Community Assistance (CAP) and Field Training Officer (FTO) programs, and the Public Records Request process. 

The DOJ team attended and observed Small Team Tactics and High Risk Stops training at the Phoenix Police Academy.

City staff began the process of sharing body-worn camera video with the DOJ. 

City staff met online with the DOJ to discuss and clarify outstanding records requests.

City staff continue to produce records and body-worn camera video to the DOJ.

City staff met virtually with the DOJ to debrief the recent site visit. 

City staff met virtually with the DOJ to answer technical questions related to the City's Computer Aided Dispatch system.

City staff received questions and requests for clarification from DOJ on documents previously produced.

City staff continued gathering public comments on Revised Use of Force Policy.

City staff met virtually with DOJ subject matter experts for feedback on Use of Force Policy.

City staff continued producing documents and Body Worn Camera (BWC) examples for DOJ. 

City staff continued producing documents and Body Worn Camera (BWC) examples for DOJ.

City staff discussed the status of the investigation regarding production and pending interviews with DOJ.

DOJ conducted interviews virtually with PD Staff.

City staff publicly released an update on progress with the investigation in video and written form.

Interim Chief Michael Sullivan made himself available for media interviews on the two-year mark of the investigation's launch.

DOJ conducted virtual interviews with city staff.

City staff met virtually with DOJ to address technical questions.

City staff continued producing documents and Body Worn Camera (BWC) examples for DOJ. 

City staff met virtually with DOJ to address technical questions.

City staff continued producing documents and Body Worn Camera (BWC) examples for DOJ. 

City staff attended a conference with speakers from the DOJ and other law enforcement agencies.

DOJ conducted virtual interviews with city staff.

City staff met virtually with DOJ to address technical questions.

City staff continued producing documents and Body Worn Camera (BWC) examples for DOJ. 

DOJ conducted in-person interviews with Interim Police Chief Michael Sullivan and City Manager Jeff Barton.

DOJ requested additional interviews with city staff, these interviews are scheduled.

City staff met virtually with DOJ to address technical questions.

City staff continued producing documents and Body Worn Camera (BWC) examples for DOJ.​

DOJ conducted virtual interviews with city staff on various topics.

City staff continued producing documents and Body Worn Camera (BWC) examples for DOJ. 

City staff prepared community presentation on DOJ investigation to be delivered multiple times in early 2024.​


City staff conducted in-person updates to various community groups on the status of the investigation. These presentations also included an overview of reform efforts by the City of Phoenix and Phoenix Police Department.

City staff created a​ video version of the community update presentation. 

City of Phoenix outside legal counsel authored a report which details reform efforts. The report titled, ”Phoenix Police Department: Road to Reform” was sent to the DOJ along with a letter offering to discuss alternative resolutions.

Training on the new “Use of Force” policy began at the Phoenix Regional Police Academy.

City staff conducted in-person updates to various community groups on the status of the investigation. These presentations also included an overview of reform efforts by the City of Phoenix and Phoenix Police Department.

City staff requested virtual community feedback on revisions to the “Standards of Public Trust” and “Prohibition of Retaliation” policies.​

DOJ requested updated numbers on reports previously provided related to mental health calls. City staff provided the requested reports.


City staff asked DOJ if it planned to release any resulting findings from its investigation in both English and Spanish, to accommodate​ for large Spanish speaking population in Phoenix.


​City staff formally requested DOJ to release any resulting findings from its investigation in both English and Spanish languages simultaneously. Link to the formal request below.

PDF Letter to DOJ Requesting Spanish and English Reports Simultaneously

Interim Chief Michael Sullivan attended and participated in a District 8 Town Hall discussion. Chief Sullivan answered community questions related to the DOJ Investigation.


No updates

​The United States Department of Justice published a report which details the findings of its "Pattern or Practice" Investigation.

The City of Phoenix Law Department responded to the DOJ with the following letter: City of Phoenix Response to U.S. Department of Justice Report. June 13, 2024 (PDF)​

Interim Phoenix Police Chief Michael Sullivan and Phoenix City Manager Jeff Barton participated in interviews regarding the DOJ report with media outlets by request.

The United States Department of Justice published a translated version of its report in Spanish. ​

Phoenix City Council directed the City Manager and Police Chief to assess the recommended improvements listed in the DOJ report.


City staff formally requested additional information from DOJ on incidents and the report. DOJ declined to provide the requested information.

City staff worked to identify the incidents described in the DOJ report.

City staff began working on a public webpage to provide additional information on incidents identified as referenced in the DOJ report.

City staff continued to assess the recommended improvements listed in the DOJ report.

‭(Hidden)‬ Phoenix Police Chief and City Manager Discuss DOJ Report

‭(Hidden)‬ Content Editor ‭[7]‬

Phoenix Police Department​​​​

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