May 18, 2025
International Museum Day
Location: S'edav Va'aki Museum
When: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Each year, on or near May 18, in honor of International Museum Day, the S'edav Va'aki Museum offers interpretative stations, kids crafts, and artifact show-and-tell where guests can see up close and touch different artifacts, throughout the day.
General Contact: S'edav Va'aki Museum
Phone Number: 6024950901
Category: Arts and Culture
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05/18/2025 04:00 PM 05/18/2025 10:00 PM America/Phoenix International Museum Day Each year, on or near May 18, in honor of International Museum Day, the S'edav Va'aki Museum offers interpretative stations, kids crafts, and artifact show-and-tell where guests can see up close and touch different artifacts, throughout the day. S'edav Va'aki Museum MM/DD/YYYY aMkYdfXIFzLRDkaAQmkY26530 use-title