The Innovation and Efficiency Task Force is broken up into the following five workgroups.
Mission: Continued focus on improving the city's internal and external communications to enhance transparency and public accessibility and facilitate efficient operations.
Toni Maccarone, Chair
Bill Barquin
Don Hamill
Process Improvement
Mission: Continue to evaluate city processes and operations and develop solutions to improve productivity, eliminate unnecessary procedures, and fully
optimize staffing and other city resources.
Rita Hamilton - Chair
Don Hamill
Deanna Jonovich
Kevin Robinson
Regional Public Partnerships
Mission: Develop solutions to gain efficiency and economies of scale through regional collaboration, such as regional procurement agreements
Neal Young - Chair
Steve Kreis
Roger Peck
Ron Ramirez
Marty Shultz
William Smith
Mission: Continue to evaluate whether outsourcing, insourcing, and/or
managed competition is the most cost-effective means of providing city programs while maintaining or enhancing service levels.
John Chan - Chair
Jim Burke
Mark Dobbins
Neil Mann
David Tierney
John Trujillo
Mission: Examine and identify technology initiatives that enhance productivity and customer service, enable innovation, and provide long-term return on investment.
Rob Sweeney - Chair
Wylie Bearup
Richard Rea
Diane Scherer
Lisa Takata