​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Council District 7 - Councilman Carlos Galindo-Elvira​​​​​​​​​​​

​Councilman Carlos Galindo-Elvira was appointed by the Phoenix City Council on April 9, 2024 to serve in an interim capacity.

Councilman Carlos Galindo-Elvira's Biography

Connect with Council District 7

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Contact Information:

  • ​Email: council.district.7@phoenix.gov

  • Office Line: 602.262.7492

  • Address: 200 W. Washington St., 11th Floor, Phoenix AZ 85003

upcoming eventsnewsletter and social mediadistrict 7 mapnew businesscouncil formal meetingsthings to do in district 7contact district 7lucky seven

Message from Councilman Nowakowski

Dear Neighbors, 

Welcome to the District 7 Website! Please use this Web site as a resource to help you with any issue concerning your community or the city. If you can not find the answer you are looking for, call my office at 602-262-7492 or e-mail me at council.district.7@phoenix.gov.

We are here to serve you! Together we ​can make Phoenix the city that our children deserve. With ​​​​​your help we can ensure: 

  • safe neighborhoods
  • clean and well-maintained streets
  • safe, fun city parks and educational programs
  • responsive city government

None of this can be accomplished without your participation. Please join a block watch or neighborhood association in your area. When our neighbors get involved we all win. 

God Bless,
Michael Nowakowski