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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Homeownership Opportunities

    The Housing Department administers programs to promote and increase homeownership opportunities for Phoenix families. On this page learn about the Section 32 Homeownership Program, the Section 18 Homeownership Program, and the Open Doors Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program.

    Fanily standing in front of their new home
    The Section 32 and Open Doors programs are designed to assist eligible first-time homebuyers with the purchase of an affordable home. The Section 18 Program offers properties for sale to the public without income or first-time homebuyer requirements.

    Section 32 Homeownership Program

    Section 32 Homeownership is offered to first-time homebuyers who are at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI), and who will use the home as their primary residence. The purchase price will be the current appraised value of the home. Eligible properties must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection. Homeownership counseling, homebuyer education course, and financial fitness (if needed) are also required. Some program benefits may include:

    • 20% discount off home appraisal value
    • Guidance through the homeownership process
    • Possible assistance with down payment and closing costs
    • One-year home warranty

    If you are interested in the program, please note that using a real estate agent is required. Agents can view all properties we have listed for sale via the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and can obtain the Section 32 application from each property listing.

    Section 18 Homeownership Program

    Section 18 properties are being offered to the public for sale. There is no income limit to qualify, and the properties are sold "as-is". Please note these homes may require repairs.

    Open Doors Down Payment Assistance Program

    The Open Doors Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program provides down payment and closing costs assistance. Homebuyers can earn at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), must purchase a home in the city of Phoenix and the purchase price cannot exceed $390,000. Eligible homebuyers must complete both an eight-hour pre-purchase homebuyer education course and housing counseling (one-on-one) from a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved housing counseling agency and certified housing counselor. Reference additional program details below:

    • Funds are provided as a deferred payment loan.
    • Interest rate of 0% with no monthly principal payments.
    • Maximum assistance of up to 10% of the home purchase price.
    • Repayment is due on sale, change in residency, or refinancing within the period of affordability.
    • Period of affordability can be up to 15 years depending on the amount of the loan.
    • Loan is fully forgiven after the period of affordability.

    Loan can be layered with other homeownership assistance programs (except the Section 32 Homeownership Program).