
Phoenix Family ​Advocacy Center​

Our Mission​

To provide comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence and sexual violence and take a leadership role in educating the community about the impact of violence. If you have experienced domestic violence or sexual violence, we can help."​

Crime victims of all types may experience trauma, which can be displayed in many ways.

Physical:  Someone who has experienced physical trauma may have serious injury or shock to the body, as from a major accident.  Intense stress reactions may also occur: Increase of breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate and muscles may tighten.  Exhaustion, inability to sleep, headaches, increased or decreased appetites, or digestive problems may be a symptom of trauma.

Emotional:  A crime victim may experience emotional trauma that may have long-lasting effects.  Emotional trauma may take many different forms:  Shock or numbness, denial, disbelief, and anger.​

Family Advocacy Center front lobby scene

​Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (DVFRT)

​The DVFRT Team is comprised of representatives ​from the criminal justice system, advocacy community, municipal government, and other community resources.

Mission:  To examine domestic violence fatalities in order to  better understand the dynamics of such deaths and to make recommendations for prevention and system improvements related to domestic violence.​

DVFRT Report 2023-2024.pdf

DVFRT Report 2019-2020.pdf

DVFRT Report 2018-2019.pdf

DVFRT Report 2016-2017.pdf

Paint Phoenix Purple

Phoenix Purple is a campaign to raise awareness about domestic violence.  The City of Phoenix and more than 50 partners including businesses, civic organizations, educational institutions and faith communities are working together to create a culture where domestic violence is no longer tolerated. 

             Paint Phoenix Purple logo

Visit the paintphoenixpurple.org  website for more information and resources to help raise awareness.

  • National Denim Day

    National Denim Day

  • Sexual Assault Awarness Month

    Sexual Assault Awarness Month

  • Let

    Let's Talk Teal Campaign

  • Forensic Nurse Waiting Area

    Forensic Nurse Waiting Area

  • Family Advocacy Center

    Family Advocacy Center

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Family Advocacy Center exterior scene

The FAC serves as one central location for victims of violence to receive a wide range of ​services. Through partners​hips with community-based organizations and other City departments, the FAC provides comprehensive victim advocacy, counseling referrals , case management, forensic medical examinations, and investigative interviews.  ​

Domestic Violence Information

Sexual Violence Information​

Family Advocacy Center Services



Learn More About the Family Advocacy Center:

                                   CONTACT US

                Phoenix Family Advocacy Center

                 2120 N. Central Avenue, 2nd Floor

                             Phoenix, AZ 85004

                             Phone: 602-534-2120

                                                                Contact Victim Services

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