Barking Dog Information Center

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Coronavirus Update: Mask/Face Covering Optional

A mask or face covering is no longer required to enter the Phoenix Municipal Court Building, 300 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103.

No se requiere mascarilla o protectores faciales para entrar al Tribunal Municipal de Phoenix, 300 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103.

If you have questions, would like to confirm a court date, or have an updated address or phone number, please contact the Phoenix City Prosecutor’s Office at 602-262-6461.

Si tiene preguntas, le gustaría confirmar una cita en la corte o cambiar su dirección o número de teléfono, comuníquese con la Oficina del Fiscal de Phoenix al 602-262-6461.

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​Dogs that bark can present a variety of issues within urban areas like Phoenix. The City Prosecutor’s Office has information and resources for neighbors and other people disturbed, as well as dog owners.  We also have different enforcement options and alternatives to help resolve barking dog issues.      

What are the resources and information on procedures available regarding barking dogs?

Barking Dog Petition and instructions