The public can submit comments about the Declaration of Local Emergency to be read into the record until 4:00 p.m. March 18, 2020 at or by calling (602) 262-6001.
The city of Phoenix is taking the necessary steps to protect its residents and employees and help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in the community.
The agenda is posted at; click the button in the middle of the home page that says “City Council Meetings."
Resident comments will be read into the record.
Per the most recent guidelines from the federal government that no more than 10 people should be gathered in a room at the same time, no residents will be allowed in the Council Chambers.
Residents can watch the Council meeting live streamed at or Phoenix Channel 11.
Residents can call and listen to the meeting by following these steps:
- Dial 602-666-0783
- Enter the Meeting ID 625711874#
- Press # again when prompted for attendee ID
If you are looking for health information about the Coronavirus, visit