
Census Day April 1 graphic

​April 1 is Census Day! Have You Been Counted?

April 1, 2020 12:30 PM

​With all the other news happening, one important date still needs to be on your calendar: Today, April 1, is Census Day in the United States, and participating is one of the easiest ways you can support the city of Phoenix, just by filling out the online Census form.

You should have already received a code in the mail that you can use to complete the Census form for your household online at My2020census.gov. You’ll be asked basic demographic questions about your household, including how many people are living in the home; if your home is owned or rented, and about the age, sex, race, and relationships of the people who are in the household.

“Participation in the Census is critical for Phoenix, because it impacts our funding across so many areas for years to come,” said Albert Santana, the city’s Census Director. “The form only takes ten minutes to complete, so it is one of the simplest ways to ensure that we have the resources we need to operate.”

In Phoenix, an accurate 2020 Census count represents $533 per person, or approximately $866 million a year.  This funding helps to provide vital resources, programs and services such as housing, transportation, education, public safety, and so much more. 

The city of Phoenix has been working in partnership with the Maricopa Association of Governments to encourage participation in the 2020 Census through a local campaign, called iCount2020. The campaign highlights the ways that an accurate count in the census supports local governments, and provides information on how to respond to the census online, by phone or by mail; what residents should look for when receiving communication from the federal government about the Census; and a variety of Frequently-Asked-Questions. More information is available at iCount2020.info.

You can also help the city of Phoenix by encouraging your friends and family to participate. ​​Share these Census posts on Facebook​, and Twitter​!​
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