
Quench Your Thirst with “From Tap to Source: The Art of Water” at the Gallery @ City Hall

June 14, 2018 3:00 PM

"From Tap to Source: The Art of Water" is now on display at The Gallery @ City Hall. This exhibition highlights the ways in which artists have reflected on water and the ancient and modern canal systems that have delivered it in the Southwest. These 26 works, all from the city of Phoenix's Municipal Art Collection cover a wide range of expressions, media, and themes – all related to the beauty, significance and – at times – irony of abundant water in the desert.

Located on the ground floor of City Hall, The Gallery @ City Hall is open weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The artwork will be on display until January 2019.

The Gallery @ City Hall is supported and operated by the Friends of Phoenix Public Art. The Friends of Phoenix Public Art are currently looking for new Gallery volunteers.  Selected volunteers will participate in a ninety-minute training program to learn about the gallery exhibits and works in the Phoenix Municipal Art Collection.  For more information, email: poacvolunteer@gmail.com.

About Friends of Phoenix Public Art
The mission of Friends of Phoenix Public Art, a nonprofit organization, is to support the maintenance and restoration of the Municipal Art Collection of the city of Phoenix, through fundraising, education, and advocacy.  The organization manages the Gallery @ City Hall and presents educational programming about citywide public art projects.  For more information: www.friendsofphoenixpublicart.org

About Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture
The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture, established by the Phoenix City Council in 1985, works to foster a sense of cultural identity, celebrate diversity and ensure an outstanding quality of community life. The Public Art Program was established in 1986 to improve the design of the city's buildings, spaces and infrastructure.  The Office is advised by the Phoenix Arts and Culture Commission.  For more information on the Office of Arts and Culture, visit phoenix.gov/arts or call 602-262-4637.  Follow the Office on Facebook: www.facebook.com/phxofficeofartsandcultureInstagram @phxarts_culture and Twitter @phxarts_culture.


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