
graphic, city cornoavirus announcement

Phoenix Job Training Workshops Canceled Until Further Notice

March 23, 2020 12:00 PM

​As the City continues to monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation, we are striving to maintain our public services while doing our utmost to also protect our citizens and customers. In response to the current environment, workshops are canceled until further notice at the three Arizona@Work-Phoenix job centers. The situation will continue to be re-assessed during the week and a decision about future workshops will be announced later in the week. The cancellation also applies to workshops at the Phoenix Business and Workforce Development Center.

The cancellation applies to workshops and training offered at the city of Phoenix's North, West and South Job Centers. Some city training programs are offered through third-party partners. These organizations will be making determinations independent of the city's decisions. Workshop and training participants should contact the partner providing the training.

Arizona@Work-Phoenix job centers remain open to help job seekers and training candidates. The cancellation only affects workshops.

Up-to-date information is available on ArizonaAtWork.com/Phoenix, the city of Phoenix website, Phoenix.gov, and Phoenix social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. At this time, information may also be obtained by calling 602-262-6776.


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