
Aerial view of the $7 billion Intel FAB42 nanochip manufacturing facility in Chandler, Arizona

GPEC positions Valley as leader in Internet of Things

January 9, 2018 12:00 AM
Arizona Business magazine (Jesse Millard): Inside the doors of Intel’s Chandler offices lies the future. 
Within the walls of Intel’s building CH6, demonstration stations reveal some of the latest technology powered by Intel processors. 
  • Each piece of technology will radically change supply chain management, construction, engineering and retail. 
  • High above the floor is a sensor that is able to determine the amount of inventory available on the floor at a brick-and-mortal retail location. 
  • Next to that is another sensor that can measure the dimensions of boxes and packages as they move along a conveyor belt. 
  • Close to that station are small trackers that can tell whether deliverables have been critically tilted or kept at inadequate temperatures during the shipping process.
  • An augmented reality helmet allows the user to view the step-by-step process of a surgical procedure or the schematics of a turbine as if both things were happening in reality in front of the user.
Read more: https://azbigmedia.com/gpec-positions-valley-leader-internet-things/
Photo: The Intel FAB42 manufacturing facility in Chandler is the world's largest manufacturer for Internet of Things processing chips. It's located close to where the new South Mountain Freeway connects southwest Phoenix and West Valley workforce to the East Valley. (Credit: Intel Corporation, ©2017)


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