October 7, 2024, is the deadline to register to vote to participate in the upcoming November 5, 2024, Phoenix Mayor and Council Election and Special Vacancy Election.
In this election, eligible registered Phoenix voters will decide on electing a Mayor for a regular four-year term that begins on April 21, 2025 and on three ballot measures. Voters in Council Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 will also decide on electing Council Members for a regular four-year term beginning April 21, 2025. Additionally, voters in Council District 7 will also elect a Council Member to fill the remainder of the current District 7 term which ends April 21, 2025.
To be eligible to vote, a person must be a registered voter and reside within the City of Phoenix at least 29 days immediately before the election. Voters can register to vote:
- Online at: ServiceArizona.com (requires Arizona Driver’s License or State ID)
- In Person:
- With City of Phoenix, City Clerk Department at 200 W. Washington St., 15th floor.
- With Maricopa County Recorders Office at 111 S. 3rd Ave., Ste. 102
- By mail: A paper form is available online at elections.maricopa.gov or one can be requested by calling Maricopa County at (602) 506-1511.
Already a registered voter? Take a few seconds to make sure you’re registered to vote at your current address at
BeBallotReady.Vote or by calling Maricopa County at