Vice Mayor Thelda Williams, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix Police Department Police Cadets, and the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department will host a free fishing event on Saturday, April 7 from 8 a.m. to noon at Cortez Park Lake, located at 3434 W. Dunlap Ave.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department will provide loaner rods and bait for this event or you may bring your own. Free fishing and instruction is open to all ages, but children under 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Fishing licenses are not required during the planned hours of the event, but you must register at the Game and Fish booth. Cortez Park Lake is stocked with catfish, trout, bass, sunfish, and white amur. Daily bag and possession limits on fish apply. Bring an ice chest to keep your catches cool. Prizes will be provided by Sportsman's Warehouse.
For more information, contact Vice Mayor Williams' office at 602-262-7444 or