The Phoenix Fire Department was proud to host its latest Career Day on Saturday, August 13th at the Phoenix Fire Regional Training Academy. With roughly 200 attendees, the event gave those interested an opportunity to see a glimpse of what the Phoenix Fire Department does and learn about what life is like as a firefighter.
The goal of the event was to help showcase what being a firefighter is all about and to show the career opportunities within the Phoenix Fire Department.
Representatives from different divisions within the Phoenix Fire Department were present to assist with the event's activities, including members from Recruitment, Emergency Medical Services, Community Assistance Program, CERT, Fire Prevention, and respective affinity groups.
The event kicked off after Phoenix firefighters demonstrated a Technical Rescue, where specially trained members repelled down a building to save someone. In another simulation, firefighters responded to a working fire call, where three emergency vehicles were dispatched to a structure fire.
During the mock incidents, the audience listened to Fire Emergency Dispatchers describe the scene to first responders. The Phoenix Fire Department is committed to providing the highest level of public safety services and customer service to our community. That service begins inside the Phoenix Fire Regional Dispatch Center.
Following the mock demonstrations, attendees broke out into groups. That's when they were given a guided tour of the Phoenix Fire Regional Training Academy and educated on recruitment, emergency medical services, fire operations, peer fitness, academy expectations, special operations, the drone program, and the Phoenix Fire Regional Dispatch Center.
Throughout the event, members of the Phoenix Fire Department answered questions from those that are interested in the career. Additionally, the tour guides were able to share insight on their careers and what helped them become successful in getting hired by the Phoenix Fire Department.
Applications are currently open for both Firefighter Recruits and Fire Emergency Dispatchers. You can learn more about these careers by visiting this story.