
Phoenix firefighters put out fire

Phoenix Fire Launches New Online Incident History Map

May 31, 2023 12:00 AM

The Phoenix Fire Department is excited to announce a new online incident history map​. This online map shows all the emergency incidents dispatched in the Phoenix Fire Department service area, which is the City of Phoenix, Town of Paradise Valley and Laveen. 

The map has a 30-day rolling window and has filters for Neighborhood and Council District. Incident locations are displayed based on their category. Categories include Emergency Medical Services, Fire, Hazmat, Calls for Service, and Technical Rescue.

All incidents are geo-coded down to the street level, meaning there should never be any home addresses revealed.

​"This data collection demonstrates the innovative efforts of the men and women who serve the city of Phoenix 24/7, 365 days a year," Phoenix Fire Chief Mike Duran added. "Critical data collection like this and support from city leadership allows Phoenix Fire to find creative solutions to address  trends in emergency situations. The result is that we can provide the highest quality customer service possible.”

The start of the data begins two days prior to the current day and data is updated each day at approximately 12:00 AM. Data can be filtered by date, city, incident type, Phoenix city council district, village, responding station, and first due station.

The dashboard will continue to be updated and defaults to the most recent 24-hour period available in the data. For best results when using a Custom Date Range, set the Predefined Date Range to the full 30-day dataset.

This new online incident history map helps educate and inform the community and media on call volume, trends in emergency incidents, and shows the incredible work of members of the Phoenix Fire Department. 


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