
4th of July Safety from Phoenix Fire

June 28, 2023 12:00 AM
​As fire dangers reach high alert in the Valley, Phoenix Fire prepares the media and community with safety messages ahead of the Fourth of July holiday. On Wednesday, Phoenix Firefighters showed the extreme dangers of fireworks. Demonstrations displayed how fireworks can easily cause severe injuries and brush fires.

Although the sale of legal fireworks is permissible this time of year from May 20th until July 6th, Phoenix Fire cautions the public. As the firework driven holiday approaches, over 2,5000 acres of brush currently burn just North of Phoenix in Scottsdale. Brush fire season poses a serious threat to the dry climate and landscape in the Valley. The season starts in early May and can last until early October.

During the annual fireworks safety media event, members from the Phoenix Fire’s Fire Prevention Section shared pertinent information regarding the permissible sales of fireworks. An easy rule of thumb to determine if a firework is legal or not, is knowing if it becomes airborne it is illegal. More information regarding firework dos and don’ts, please visit Fire Prevention’s homepage.

Phoenix Fire encourages everyone to have a fun holiday! But with that, safety measures are strongly encouraged. Easy tips to remember while using fireworks this holiday include using a long BBQ lighter. The longer lighter allows more distance between a hand and the ignition point of a firework. Never allow children to hold or light fireworks. Do not try to pick up or relight a malfunctioning firework. Doing so could result in severe burns and or injuries. Keep at least 20 feet of distance between fireworks and any people, structures, or cars. That includes not lighting fireworks anywhere near dry brush. Always keep a water source nearby, meaning a hose or bucket to easily help put out any fireworks.

Phoenix Fire encourages you to leave fireworks to the professionals this year! Join the city of Phoenix in celebrating Independence Day with the annual Fabulous 4th Firework show held at Steel Indian School Park. The annual Fabulous Phoenix 4th features one of the largest fireworks displays in the Southwest. This free, non-alcoholic family event attracts thousands of attendees.

As always, Phoenix Fire Department wants to remind everyone to stay hypervigilant around water safety. When swimming, please designate a water-watcher. It is everyone’s responsibly to watch children around water. Phoenix Fire is dedicated to accomplishing Zero Drowning’s with its #DrowningZero campaign. Learn more about water safety, swimming lessons, and CPR classes by visiting our Drowning Zero homepage​.

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