
An Office of Homeless Solutions Homeless Liaison speaks to a person experiencing homelessness while conducting the 2024 Point-in-Time Count

City of Phoenix Investments Increase Number of Sheltered Individuals, Decrease Unsheltered in Phoenix

May 22, 2024 1:30 PM

Today, the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) released data from its 2024 Point-in-Time (PIT) Homelessness Count, showing a significant increase in the number of sheltered individuals in Phoenix and a significant decrease in the number of unsheltered individuals in the city. This positive change is a direct result of the City of Phoenix’s ongoing investment in creating new shelter beds and connecting people with services in Phoenix.  

“This year’s Point-in-Time count demonstrates that the work we’ve done to expand shelter options is making a measurable difference,” Mayor Kate Gallego said. “Although the number of those living unsheltered in our community is still too high, and we certainly have more work to do to get people into permanent, stable housing, it’s reassuring to know that we are making steady progress getting residents off the streets and into safer situations.” 

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Count is an annual street and shelter count that determines the number of people experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County during a given point in time, as part of a national effort to identify the extent of homelessness across the country. According to the 2024 PIT Count:  

  • The number of unsheltered individuals in Phoenix decreased by 19% from 3,333 people in 2023 to 2,701 in 2024.  
  • The number of people experiencing homelessness who are sheltered increased by 15% from 3,569 in 2023 to 4,115 in 2024.  
  • The total population of people experiencing homelessness in Phoenix decreased by just over 1% from 6,902 in 2023 to 6,816 in 2024. 

“I am proud to see that the City’s investments in shelter are paying off for our community,” said Rachel Milne, Homeless Solutions Director. “While we know shelter alone does not solve homelessness, it is a crucial first step for many people to connect with the right resources and support to end their homelessness. Our commitment to addressing homelessness is stronger than ever. We will continue to collaborate with our community partners and invest in creating more shelter, housing and supportive services for those in need.” 

The City of Phoenix has prioritized creating more indoor shelter than ever before in the last several years, adding 592 new permanent beds in 2022 and 480 temporary beds in 2023. The City continues to build permanent solutions, with another 790 new beds planned for 2024 and 2025, including a 280-bed navigation center planned in West Phoenix.  

Learn more about the City’s efforts to address homelessness. ​

Learn more about the PIT Count. 


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