response to COVID-19 (coronavirus), the city has taken proactive measures to help stop the spread by promoting social distancing and suspending and closing some of its programs and facilities.
The health and well-being of Phoenix residents continues to be a top priority, and Housing
Department staff is working hard to make sure its public housing residents have enough food for their families.
Phoenix's Housing Supportive Services Team at the Aeroterra EnVision Center partnered with St. Mary's Food Bank to bring a mobile pantry to families living in the Edison/Eastlake Neighborhood.
The pantry provided food to 187 families, 50 senior households and included 474 bags of food
- (two for each family). The bags included eggs; bread; fresh fruit and vegetables; fruit juice; and snacks.

During this mobile pantry, the Housing team ensured that there was a safe environment for all and practiced social distancing by staging in the parking lot and allowing only a few families at a time to pick up their food at the curbside. Food was delivered to the homes of those families that have members with mobility issues.
The city of Phoenix has developed a list of resources available to residents and businesses for
help during this pandemic.
Visit the Coronavirus Business & Resident Resources page
. Resident
s with questions about city services and programs affected can call 602-262-3111 or e-mail