
Family Self-Sufficiency Program: The Keys to Your Success

January 30, 2018 12:00 AM

The Fam​​​ily Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is ​​designed to assist families and individuals in their goal to becoming financially independent. FSS participants work closely with Case Managers to establish short- and long-term goals to help:

  • Increase income
  • Complete educational goals
  • Establish or repair credit
  • Develop a savings plan
  • Improve financial well-being

The FSS program is five years in length and is available to all assisted (low-income) housing and Section 8 residents who meet the selected criteria.  For more information or to enroll in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, contact the FSS Supervisor at 602-534-7679.​

Download the FSS Brochure


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