
Exterior of the City of Phoenix Aeroterra Apartments

Top Five Accomplishments of the City of Phoenix Housing Department in 2024

December 23, 2024 4:30 PM
In 2024, the City of Phoenix Housing Department achieved significant progress in addressing the City’s housing needs, guided by a mission to ensure that all residents have access to safe, affordable, quality housing options. With a focus on innovative programs and ensuring a diverse range of housing options, the department worked to address housing challenges and help build stronger communities. Here are the top five accomplishments for 2024: 

1. Housing Phoenix Plan Goal Nearly Reached   

More than 48,000 housing units have been created or preserved throughout the Housing Phoenix Plan, which is more than 96% of the Plan’s goal of creating or preserving 50,000 units by 2030. Through innovative strategies and partnerships with private and non-profit developers, the Housing Phoenix Plan ensures increased housing options for residents at all income levels and family sizes. This milestone underscores the City’s dedication to addressing housing shortages and ensuring long-term housing stability for its residents. As of September 2024,  48,391 units have been created or preserved in Phoenix, including 22% affordable units. 
  • Affordable | 4,625 created & 6,020 preserved  
  • Workforce | 11,228 created  ​  
  • Market Rate | 26,518 created        
View the current Housing Phoenix Plan Quarterly Report .  

2. Securing and Implementing Federal Choice Neighborhoods Grants  

The Housing Department achieved significant progress in revitalization efforts in the Edison-Eastlake and Marcos de Niza neighborhoods through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Choice Neighborhoods program.  
  • Edison-Eastlake transformation: The City received a supplemental implementation grant that, combined with $21 million in voter-approved general obligation bonds, will help transform 577 outdated public housing units into more than 1,000 mixed-income housing units. This comprehensive initiative also includes neighborhood improvements, supportive services, and community resource enhancements.  
  • Marcos de Niza Planning Grant: A planning grant was secured to develop a comprehensive neighborhood transformation plan for the Marcos de Niza-Grant Park area, laying the groundwork for future revitalization efforts that will benefit residents and the broader community.  
3. Family Self-Sufficiency Program Success  

In 2024, the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program celebrated the graduation of 44 families. This program provides individuals and families the tools and resources they need to achieve financial independence, including job training and preparation, budgeting and money management, and homeownership preparation. Collectively, these families started with a combined income of approximately $560,000 and graduated with a combined income of more than $1.96 million. They collectively received approximately $585,000 in escrow checks. Five of these participants moved to homeownership and one is currently pending purchasing a home. These 44 families exemplify how the program empowers residents, enabling them to transition from subsidized housing to self-reliance and homeownership.  

4. Leveraging COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Funding  

The City of Phoenix has effectively utilized American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and HOME-ARP pandemic funding to address critical housing needs and support vulnerable populations. Key accomplishments include:  
  • Landlord Incentive Program: disbursed 1,153 incentives to 384 property owners in 2024, with 284 participating in the Housing Choice Voucher program for the first time. This initiative has strengthened landlord participation and expanded housing options for voucher holders.  
  • Affordable housing development: provided gap funding for new affordable housing projects and initiated a community land trust to ensure long-term affordability.  
  • Shelter and supportive services: $8 million allocated by the Housing Department for shelters serving families experiencing homelessness and $2.5 million for supportive services, enhancing the City’s capacity to provide immediate solutions for our most vulnerable residents.  ​​
5. Parking Reductions to Facilitate Housing Development  

The City adopted a critical amendment to the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, led through the work of the Planning and Development Department and consistent with the Housing Phoenix Plan, reducing parking requirements for multifamily developments. This forward-thinking policy aims to lower development costs and encourage the creation of more housing options, supporting the City’s goal of increasing housing availability and affordability.

These accomplishments are a testament to the City’s unwavering commitment to building a Phoenix where everyone has the opportunity to live in a home they can afford. By continuing to prioritize collaboration and sustainability, the department plays a key role in shaping a more equitable and inclusive future for all Phoenix residents.​

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