
Two men speak to a woman who is seated at a table with stacks of handouts.

Phoenix to Host Landlord Open House

March 12, 2025 3:45 PM
​​The Phoenix Housing Department and Arizona Quadel will be hosting another Owner Open House to get property owners familiar with the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. 

When: March 26, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  
Where: Memorial Hall at Steele Indian School Park -- 300 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85012  

“An important part of increasing housing opportunities for Housing Choice Voucher holders is fostering a strong relationship with rental property owners,” said Deputy Housing Director Elenia Sotelo. “This event helps landlords better understand the voucher program and its benefits, and provides them with tools and support to navigate the process with confidence.” 

Some of the program benefits for landlords include:
  • Payment consistency: Landlords will receive a monthly subsidy from the City.
  • Renter stability: Voucher holders are often stable tenants, reducing turnover.
  • Access to a landlord liaison and housing specialists who can guide owners through the process.  
The Housing Department will have voucher program staff onsite, as well as staff from partner City departments including Equal Opportunity, Water Services, and Neighborhood Services. Light refreshments will be served.  
Breakout Sessions 
There will also be two breakout sessions at the Phoenix Indian School Visitor Center (next door to Memorial Hall) to discuss the following topics: 
  • Small Area Fair Market Rents and Payment Standards (11 a.m.)
  • Understanding Phoenix’s Source of Income Ordinance (noon)  


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