In response to COVID-19 (coronavirus), the city has taken proactive measures to help stop the spread by promoting social distancing by through suspending programs and closing some of its facilities.
Because older adults are at increased risk for COVID-19 complications due to age or because of underlying medical conditions, all 15 Phoenix senior centers have been temporarily closed. However, the health and well-being of Phoenix senior residents continues to be a top priority.
“Nearly 6,000 seniors rely on the connectivity and services of our senior centers,” Human Services Department (HSD) Deputy Director Susan Hallett explains. “While the importance of social distancing is crucial in stopping the spread and keeping Phoenix healthy, supporting our seniors to ensure they have what the need physically and emotionally is equally important.”
Although the centers may be temporarily closed, HSD staff is hard at work behind the scenes making sure that senior residents in Phoenix have access to food and familiar staff to help them through these trying times.
Each week, senior center members that were receiving meals on-site at the centers have frozen meals, fruit and milk delivered to the front door of their homes by Selrico Services Inc., a city food vendor.
Additionally, staff at all 15 Phoenix senior centers are keeping in contact with members weekly to make sure they are emotionally supported, by calling members who were registered at each site. The extra effort has drawn praise from participants, who appreciate the connection. One member, Inge Fleischer, took a moment to share her thanks and thoughts with her center staff.
“Thank you so much for reaching out to me during this difficult time. I am still doing well, have been isolated for the past few weeks and so is my family. We are strictly abiding by the rules and it seems to work. I was able to run to Fry's for food and toilet paper once or twice and straight back home. At least I have food here in isolation. Watching the news every day makes me thankful to be alive and I am very happy to be retired at this time. I feel for all the people who have lost their jobs during this pandemic and no work is to be found. Not to mention all the people who have lost their loved ones to the virus. It is a tragedy. I am so thankful to have met you and for the Senior Center. It helps to put a smile on my face to feel that someone really cares about us oldies. You are Amazing!!!! I wish you and your family the Best of Health and I look forward to the day when we can all meet again at the Senior Center.”