
Summer Youth Intership Workforce Participant

Summer Youth Employment Programs Secures Donations

July 29, 2019 9:00 AM

​This summer, 134 youths in Phoenix worked summer jobs in high-demand business sectors across Phoenix as part of the Phoenix Youth Reach and Invest in Summer Employment (RISE) program.

RISE works with businesses to develop functional internship program opportunities for young adults, by connecting interested businesses with intern candidates. The city of Phoenix, through its General Purpose Fund, pays wages for youth internships. The city allocates $250,000 annually for this program. Additional community support allows more youth to participate in the summer program. This past summer, city funds covered wages for 80 youth while community partners supported 54 additional youth during the 200-hour internship commitment and providing short-term summer employment opportunities for participants that match their interests.

“It's a mutual investment by companies and the city to build a future workforce," said Mary Alejandro, liaison for Phoenix's Workforce Development youth programs.

The program helps youth with little or no professional background gain work-based learning. The program also helps to build a sustainable infrastructure to employ, educate, and support generations to come.

At the end program celebration with this year's participants, two local banks announced funding support to continue the program. The JPMorgan Chase Foundation made a $150,000 investment into RISE and Pacific Premier Bank gave $15,000. 

 “RISE is helping Phoenix's youth prepare for jobs in high-demand sectors and is providing valuable career-focused education and meaningful work experiences," said Megan Ackaert, a Region Manager for the Commercial Bank for JPMorgan Chase. “We're extremely proud to support the summer job program for the second year in a row and we're grateful to the city of Phoenix and the employers for their commitment to the program."

Recruitment for RISE begins in March each year. In 2019, nearly 450 youth applied for the program. Participants that meet the program requirements are randomly selected to move forward to readiness workshops and on to the summer internship. More information on the program can be found at Phoenix.gov/econdev/arizona-at-work/youthprograms.


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