
Travis L. Williams Family Service Center

Phoenix's Landlord Tenant Program Moves Out of City Hall

December 23, 2019 12:00 AM

Phoenix's Landlord and Tenant Program originated in Neighborhood Services Department (NSD) and has operated at City Hall for many years. The program offers counseling and educational support to residents in accordance with the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. Services are provided in English and Spanish through one-on-one counseling, phone consultations, emails, education workshops, and outreach events.

Starting on January 6, 2020, the Landlord and Tenant Program will migrate from the NSD to the Human Services Department to better align services within the community to help those who may be experiencing hardships. Landlord/Tenant counselors will begin working out of the Travis L. Williams Family Services Center to be more accessible to the community. The three Phoenix Family Services Centers also house eviction prevention programs and emergency funds. 

Learn more about the transition and services offered by visiting phoenix.gov/humanservices.

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