
Fire Ban Now in Desert Parks and Preserves

May 9, 2022 8:00 AM

​T​​he Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department will put into effect its annual ban of open fires in the city's desert parks and mountain preserves starting Sunday, May 1. The Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department's annual fire ban goes into effect the same day​.

In consultation with the Phoenix Fire Department, smoking and charcoal fires are included in the ban due to the extreme fire danger that the combination of low humidity, increased temperatures, excessive dry vegetation, and frequent high winds create each spring.

The ban applies to Camelback Mountain, Deem Hills Recreation Area, Lookout Mountain, Papago Park, Phoenix Mountains Park and Recreation Area, Phoenix Mountains Preserve, Phoenix Sonoran Preserve, North Mountain Park, Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area, and South Mountain Park/Preserve.


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