Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will visit Arizona on Thursday, March 5. He is holding a campaign event at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum on the State Fairgrounds near 19th Ave. & McDowell at 6:30 p.m.
Law Enforcement services inside the event at the State Fairgrounds are under the direction of the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS). However, the City of Phoenix Police Department is responsible for safety and security in the areas surrounding the event location. As a Department, we support and protect the freedom of speech. We wanted to share information to allow everyone to exercise this right.
If attending, we ask that you also be part of the plan. Working together will keep events safe for all involved parties. Report any criminal or suspicious behavior. There will be officers in the immediate area and you will also see detectives walking around. If you see something, say something.
Will roads be closed to traffic? At this point, there are no road closures planned. There may be some lane closures around the Fairgrounds. This will be happening during rush hour and may cause delays. Traffic is expected to be heavy on the main thoroughfares of 19th Ave., McDowell and Grand Ave. Choose alternate routes when possible. We will provide regular updates on traffic conditions on Twitter @PhoenixPolice.
Can I park near the Fairgrounds? While there should be sufficient parking on site at the fairgrounds, it is possible there could be more vehicles than the parking lot can accommodate. Please do not park on residential streets in the surrounding neighborhoods. Many of those areas are permit only parking and your vehicle could be towed. If you plan on being in the area of the event on Thursday afternoon/evening, consider carpooling, using public transportation, or a ride sharing option.
Will there be a specific place for me to exercise my freedom of speech? On planned events such as this, law enforcement makes every attempt to facilitate an area for spectators and attendees who wish to voice their beliefs or opinions. This area will be designated in advance and clearly marked. The north side of Encanto road in an area between 17th Ave. & 19th Ave. has been designated for this purpose. Any updated information will be shared with the media and residents through the Phoenix Police Department's social media channels including Twitter, Facebook
(@PhoenixAZPolice), Instagram (
@PhoenixPoliceDepartment) and the Nextdoor app.
Can I or a group of people block the roadway? Roadways used by motorists are not allowed to be blocked. This is dangerous for both pedestrians and motorists. If you block the roadway you may be arrested for obstructing a public thoroughfare. This is a misdemeanor crime.
What is an Unlawful Assembly? An Unlawful Assembly is when a group of people are involved in criminal activity and are posing a danger to themselves or others. The incident commander makes this determination to protect the security and safety of everyone in the area. When possible, those in the vicinity will hear a message over a loud speaker and given time to disperse. There may be situations where immediate police intervention is needed. People who fail to follow the instructions may be subject to arrest. We want everyone to understand the message coming via the speaker. It will be delivered in both English and Spanish and will be replayed repeatedly.
In an effort to make the entire crowd aware of the need to disperse, the officer will say something similar to this:
“I am ___ (name) ___, a police officer for the City of Phoenix. I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly in the name of the People of the State of Arizona and command all persons so assembled at ___ (location) ___ to immediately and peacefully disperse. Arizona Revised Statute 13-2902 prohibits remaining present at an unlawful assembly and if you do not disperse, you will be subject to arrest.
If I am on the sidewalk once the Unlawful Assembly is declared will I be arrested? Yes, once this is declared unlawful, everyone must leave the area. You can no longer be in the immediate area. This includes private property, roadways and sidewalks. This order also includes the media who remain in the area.
What items are prohibited in the event? The event is being held at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum which is owned by the state of Arizona. Therefore, the Department of Public Safety is the law enforcement agency responsible inside the event. We have been told that no alcohol, weapons or signs will be allowed inside the event.
Can I sell items to participants at the event and in the surrounding area?Unlicensed vendors are not permitted to sell products in and around this event. For more information on licensing requirements, please click