
Close Friends Remember Commander Killed in the Line of Duty

April 1, 2020 4:00 PM

​Sunday's deadly shooting of a Phoenix Police Commander is leaving an unthinkable hole in the department and in his family. 

Charmane Osborn, a lieutenant with the Phoenix Police Department, worked with Commander Greg Carnicle for about 20 years. Greg was her boss twice, as well as good family friends. 

"He has that stern look a lot of the time, and once you got to know him, you knew what a true softy he really was," Lt. Osborn said. "He had this dry sense of humor that would tell jokes."

Lt. Osborn said Commander Carnicle was tough, decisive, and led from the front. Which is exactly what he was doing on that final Sunday shift where he went first, followed by two younger officers, into a home for a domestic fight call. All three were shot, but only the younger two officers survived. 

Lt. Osborn said the commander was always looking out for the best interests of the Phoenix Police Department. 

"I actually talked with Greg last Tuesday night," Lt. Osborn explained through tears. "He was encouraging me to make sure I was going to take the commander's process and test. Just ever supportive and trying to ensure that I was making smart career choices."   

Behind the badge was a caring family man, Osborn explained. Commander Carnicle was married to his wife, Ann, and together, had four children: CiCi, Rachel, John, and Veronica. He also had four grandchildren and two more on the way. 

"So devoted to his family and making sure that his kids knew that he loved them and that he was involved in their lives by coaching sports, coaching his grandson," the lieutenant explained. 

In the last few years, the growing Carnicle family had the chance to go on a cruise together and attend numerous Diamondbacks games – Greg was a big fan. 

As his family, friends, and the force mourn this loss, Lt. Osborn said she knows what Commander Carnicle would say if he could.

"He would be like 'What are you doing? There's no crying in police work. Suck it up buttercup!'" Lt. Osborn smiled, "This is how we do this. Keep going. Carry the mission forward." 

Read more about Commander Carnicle's 31 year career with the Phoenix Police Department.


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