PolicePolice Critical Incident Briefing - November 28, 2024 - 8300 W Osborn Rd December 12, 2024 3:00 PM WARNING: The attached video may contain strong language as well as graphic images which may be disturbing to some people. Viewer discretion is advised. The Phoenix Police Department released a Critical Incident Briefing (CIB) video that includes audio, visuals and information related to an officer-involved shooting (OIS) which occurred on November 28, 2024. This incident began in the area of 83rd Avenue and McDowell Road when Phoenix Police officers responded to a fight call. The caller was following someone in a car that they knew, who had been harassing the caller's family member. The caller later said they were worried the man driving the car had a gun.Officers located the vehicle described by the caller and attempted a traffic stop. The driver failed to stop and accelerated at a high rate of speed. Officers did not pursue the vehicle and lost sight of it. Officers circulated the area where the car was last seen. An officer spotted the SUV parked in front of a house near 83rd Avenue and Osborn Road. The driver's side door of the car was open, but no one was inside.As the officer approached the house, he heard a gunshot.Shortly after the gunshot, people inside the home came outside and talked to the officer. They told him a man was in their backyard and had fired a gun at one of them.Additional officers arrived and began to surround the house. One of the officers saw the suspect in the backyard of the home. The man was observed walking towards officers with a gun in his hand. The man raised the gun at which time one officer fired his rifle. Evidence found at the scene shows the suspect fired his gun during the confrontation with officers.Following the shooting, an Arwen 37mm launcher was used to safely approach the man.An Arwen is a 37mm launcher that fires a less-lethal direct impact baton which is designed to deliver pain compliance. This tool is only used by members of the Tactical Support Bureau.The man did not survive his injuries and died on scene.A handgun was recovered next to where the man was found.The officer involved in this shooting is assigned to the Maryvale-Estrella Mountain Precinct and has approximately 7 years of service with the Department.Conclusions about whether the actions of the officers are consistent with department policy and the law will not be made until all facts are known and the investigation is complete. An internal investigation by the Professional Standard Bureau is currently underway, in addition to a criminal investigation. Once the criminal investigation is complete it will then be reviewed by the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.Public records law required redaction of certain personal identifying information before video is released publicly. This is why you may see some parts of Body Worn Camera (BWC) blurred or covered with a black box. Redacted video is released to local media in conjunction with the release of this Critical Incident Briefing for independent review and publication. Complete, unedited versions of the BWC are released to attorneys and the courts as evidence in a criminal case.
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