
Solid waste truck

Phoenix City Council Approves Staff Recommendation on Solid Waste Rate Increase Based on Community Feedback

February 11, 2020 4:00 PM

The Phoenix City Council approved an increase to the current monthly residential solid waste rate of $26.80.  

The increase will be phased in over two years, which means, residential customers will notice an additional $3.75 in their April 2020 bill and then another increase of $3.25 in January 2021, bringing the monthly rate to $33.80.

The decision to approve the increase in the solid waste monthly rate was based on feedback gathered by Phoenix Public Works staff, who implemented a community outreach strategy during the months of December 2019 and January 2020.

Public Works staff hosted 13 community meetings in every Council district, as well as attended numerous neighborhood association and Block Watch meetings to give presentations. Staff also engaged with solid waste customers and residents at the transfer stations and at various community events. The goal was to promote a dedicated public education webpage filled with information, videos and FAQs about solid waste services and rates, and encourage the Phoenix community to take the online survey to gather feedback.

The results of the survey, which was available online and as hard copies in Spanish and English, revealed that nearly 60% of the respondents were in favor of maintaining the current level of service they receive for an additional $6.40 per month; and more than 60% preferred the rate increase to be phased in over two years. Ninety percent were satisfied with the city's delivery of its solid waste services, indicative of the department's focus on providing excellent customer service.

The survey results indicated the top three solid waste services valued most by customers are: 1) weekly trash service; 2) weekly recycling service; and 3) quarterly bulk trash service, and 90% value recycling and other waste diversion.

During the two months of community outreach, Public Works staff received more than 5,800 surveys and garnered 11,000 unique views on its dedicated informational webpage, phoenix.gov/trashandrecycle.

During the City Council meeting, staff also recommended to increase the Refuse Tipping Fee. The current tipping fee of $38.25 is what third party customers pay to dispose waste at the city's transfer station and eventually, the landfill. Like the residential solid waste rate, that rate has remained unchanged for 11 years.

The first increase on the Refuse Tipping Fee will be an additional $3.75 effective FY2019-20; the second increase will be an additional $2 effective FY2021-22; the third increase will be an additional $1 effective FY2023-24.

Phoenix has a goal to achieve a 40% waste diversion rate by the end of 2020 through its Reimagine Phoenix initiative.  Phoenix presently has a 36% waste diversion rate and will continue its educational outreach, recycling and other waste diversion programs to achieve its goal. ​


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