
Two children at the replica pump drill station.

22nd Annual Ancient Technology Day at S’eḏav Va’aki Museum

February 8, 2024 11:15 AM

Join in on the fun and test your technology skills at the S’edav Va’aki Museum’s 22nd Annual Ancient Technology Day on March 9th from 9:00AM to 3:00PM. 

Witness demonstrators present technologies inspired by the Ancestral Sonoran Desert People who thrived in a desert environment. Learn about skills such as flint knapping (making arrowheads), raw hide drum making, etching shell jewelry, basketry production, and more! Experts in historic technologies will demonstrate sk​ills from early European settlers such as lace making and adobe brick making! Learn fun facts about the desert environment and try your shot at throwing a spear with an atlatl or using a replica bow to launch an arrow.  

Ancient Technology Day: Prehistoric & Historic, an official Arizona SciTech Festival event, highlights technologies to provide our guests with a more complete understanding of Arizona’s history and its environment. In addition to hands-on demonstrations, families can enjoy free craft activities and artifact show-and-tell stations. Enjoy an experience that is fun for the whole family! 

All Ancient Technology Day activities and Museum admission are FREE for the day! Visit phoenix.gov/sedav-vaaki or call (602) 495-0901 for more information.
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S’eḏav Va’aki Museum (formerly Pueblo Grande) is a 1,500-year-old archaeological site once inhabited by the Ancestral Sonoran Desert People. Voted a Phoenix Point of Pride and listed as a National Historic Landmark, the Museum offers two accessible interpretive trails on the prehistoric site. Visitors view a platform mound, ballcourt and irrigation canals. Indoor exhibits feature artifacts from the site and hands-on activities. The Museum provides preservation, education, and collaborative interpretation of the cultural history of the Phoenix area and is managed by the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department.

Throughout the year, S’eḏav Va’aki Museum offers programs for visitors of all ages. Check out www.phoenix.gov/sedav-vaaki or call (602) 495-0901 for more information about upcoming programs and events.

S’eḏav Va’aki Museum
4619 E. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85034
(602) 495-0901

The Museum is located on the Southeast corner of 44th St. and Washington St.
Accessible by the Sky Train and the Sky Harbor Airport Light Rail Station Stop
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @SedavVaakiMuseum

Hours:  Museum Hours:  October through April – Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Sunday 1 to 4:45 p.m.  CLOSED Sunday and Monday May through September and most major holidays.  

Admission:  Adults $6, Seniors (55+) $5, Children (6-17) $3, under 6 are Free


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