​​The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department is recruiting students from local high schools, colleges and universities to be non-voting members of its Vision Zero Community Advisory Committee​. The committee will meet quarterly to help guide the department’s Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan, which was unanimously approved by Phoenix City Council in September 2022. The goal of the plan is to reduce the number of collisions in Phoenix that result in serious injuries or fatalities to zero by 2050.
In addition to the student members, the committee will consist of 11 voting members who have already been appointed by Mayor Kate Gallego and the City Council. The committee’s work will be better informed by including the perspectives of young drivers or road users who may also walk, bike or take public transit to get to their school campuses.
Student members of the committee must be at least 17 years old, able to attend quarterly meetings and interested in providing meaningful input about road safety. Interested students can learn more and download an application at Phoenix.gov/RoadSafety. Applications are due by Wednesday, March 15, 2023. The selection process will take place in late March 2023, with the committee’s first meeting expected to be held in April 2023.
The Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan is a culmination of an extensive planning effort that included a detailed five-year crash analysis (2016-2020), and a two-phase public engagement process that resulted in more than 5,000 comments from residents. The plan and other road safety education resources are available at Phoenix.gov/RoadSafety.