​​The Phoenix Street Transportation Department's existing mission is to provide for the safe, efficient, and convenient movement of people and goods within the city, and to support citywide infrastructure to improve quality of life for Phoenix residents.
The efforts of department staff during 2023 held true to that mission, as shown in the completion of significant and impactful projects and initiatives. These are the major highlights and achievements from the 2023 calendar year.
• The Street Maintenance Team completed pavement rehabilitation of more than 360 miles of roadway. The work done ranged from mill and overlays (new asphalt) to various forms of resurfacing treatments (view the department's Pavement Maintenance Dashboard). Pavement maintenance efforts also included adding 21 more miles of "Cool Pavement" to bring the total miles treated during the four-year history of the Cool Pavement Program to more than 100. The following is a breakdown of pavement maintenance mileage this year:
- Mill and Overlay: 89 miles (19 miles of arterial streets, 70 miles of residential streets)
- Resurfacing: 272 miles (54 miles of arterial streets, 218 miles of residential streets)
• The department’s Signing and Striping Shop installed 7,060 new signs, replaced 1,822 existing signs, painted 1,059 crosswalks, installed 8,997 raised pavement markers and painted/striped 1,150 miles of roadway.
• As the department is beginning to implement Vision Zero and the Road Safety Action Plan, the Traffic Services Team completed 13 traffic signal rebuild projects, 10 new traffic signal installation projects and four HAWK pedestrian signal crossing activations (High-intensity Activated crossWalK). A complete list of the locations is available in the Vision Zero/Road Safety Action Plan section below.
• As part of ongoing efforts to improve accessibility for those who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices, 2,348 curb ramps were upgraded to the latest Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
• The Right-of-Way Management Team assisted with the planning and logistics associated with Super Bowl festivities held at the Phoenix Convention Center and Margaret T. Hance Park. The team issued 78 permits for street restrictions for Super Bowl related events.
• The Parking Meter Team completed the replacement of 2,200 parking meters. The new smart meters utilize wireless technology, allowing them to accept and monitor payments, monitor status and use, provide remote diagnostics and for all settings to be changed remotely.
• The Communication and Public Engagement Team facilitated 23 public input opportunities for residents. Those opportunities consisted of in-person and virtual public meetings, online surveys and other stakeholder outreach strategies. Learn about the department's current and upcoming public engagement opportunities on the Public Meetings​ webpage.
After being unanimously approved by City Council in September 2022, this was the first full calendar year of implementing Vision Zero and the Road Safety Action Plan. The Plan outlines a series of strategies and performance measures linked to meeting the 2050 goal of zero traffic fatalities in Phoenix. During 2023, the department achieved the following:
• Installed the city’s 89th HAWK pedestrian signal crossing at 28th Street and Shea Boulevard in September. A High-intensity Activated crossWalK (HAWK) signal is a traffic control device that helps the safe flow of pedestrians and bicyclists at high-traffic or mid-block crossing points. Throughout 2023, the department activated four HAWKs:
- 41st Ave. and Thomas Rd. - activated in June
- 27th Dr. and Van Buren St. - activated in August
- 29th Ave. and Van Buren St. - activated in August
- 28th St. and Shea Blvd. - activated in September​
• Converted three rectangular rapid-flashing beacon (RRFB) signals to circular flashing beacon (CFB) signals, and installed one new CFB. A circular flashing beacon improves crosswalk visibility for drivers. The locations include:
- 7th St. at Monroe St. - activated in April (conversion installation)
- 48th St. at Grand Canal - activated in April (conversion installation)
- 3rd Ave. at Muhammad Ali Way - activated in April (conversion installation)
- 32nd St. south of Southern Ave. - activated in November (new installation)​
• Completed 13 traffic signal rebuild projects. These projects modernize the intersection, and the improvements include traffic signal heads over all travel lanes, new intersection lighting for pedestrian and bicycle safety, audible pedestrian push buttons, ADA compliant curb ramps, vehicle video detection, flashing yellow arrows for all left turn movements and new emergency vehicle preemption technology. The upgraded intersections include:
- 75th Ave. and Indian School Rd. - activated in January
- 35th Ave. and Northern Ave. - activated in January
- 67th Ave. and Lower Buckeye Rd. - activated in February
- 19th Ave. and Southern Ave. - activated in February
- 43rd Ave. and Anthem Way - activated in March
- 52nd St. and Bell Rd. - activated in May
- 51st Ave. and McDowell Rd. - activated in May
- 56th St. and Mayo Blvd. - activated in May
- Southern Ave. and 7th Ave. - activated in June
- 39th Dr. and Pinnacle Peak Rd. - activated in June
- 43rd Ave. and Pinnacle Peak Rd. - activated in June
- 67th Ave. and McDowell Rd. - activated in September
- 32nd St. and Thomas Rd. - activated in December
• Completed 10 new traffic signal installation projects. These projects modernize the intersection, and the installations include traffic signal heads over all travel lanes, new intersection lighting for pedestrian and bicycle safety, audible pedestrian push buttons, ADA compliant curb ramps, vehicle video detection, flashing yellow arrows for all left turn movements and new emergency vehicle preemption technology. The improved intersections include:
- 32nd St. and Liberty Ln. - activated in January
- 66th St. and Mayo Blvd. - activated in February
- 91st Ave. and Illini St. - activated in March
- 43rd Ave. and Dove Valley Rd. - activated in April
- 43rd Ave. and TSMC Entrance - activated in April
- 27th Ave. and Broadway Rd. - activated in May
- 7th St. and McKinley St. - activated in June
- 54th St. and Shea Blvd. - activated in August
- 89th Ave. and McDowell Rd. - activated in August
- 5100 N. 44th St. - activated in November
Yellow Light Timing Study
The department evaluated the "before" and "after" impacts of implementing new Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) guidelines on yellow light change intervals at signalized intersections. At the study locations/intersections, a significant reduction in red-light running incidents after lengthening the yellow light change interval was observed. In June, City Council approved adopting and implementing the ITE guidelines for calculating the yellow light change interval. Those new timing calculations will be put in place over a three-year period.
Safety Education Campaign
​​The department ran two public safety campaigns to highlight its "Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet" message. The first campaign ran from January through March, and the second during October through mid-November. The campaigns achieved more that 15 million impressions via advertisements that aired during morning and afternoon drive-time traffic radio reports, as well as targeted social media, Google and YouTube advertisements. The campaigns were funded by a Governor’s Office of Highway Safety grant and money allocated by City Council.
Watch the "Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet" safety videos on the Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan webpage.
Joseph Brown Named New Director
In October, City Manager Jeff Barton announced that Joseph (Joe) T. Brown had been chosen as the city's next Street Transportation Director. Brown started in the role effective November 20, and replaced Kini Knudson who retired after working in various roles with the city since 2000.
Brown comes to Phoenix after serving as Commissioner of the Suffolk County (NY) Department of Public Works, and has more than 30 years of diverse management and engineering experience. Read More​​
Groundbreaking for Grand Canalscape Phase 3
In August, District 5 Councilwoman Betty Guardado joined with community members and students, as well as representatives from the Street Transportation and Fire departments, Salt River Project (SRP) and Hunter Contracting Co., for a ceremonial groundbreaking celebration for Phase 3 of the city's Grand Canalscape project.
Phase 3 of the project includes the section of the canal that runs from 75th to 47th avenues. Improvements will be made to the north bank of the canal and add a route of connectivity for commuting and recreational use and will create a safe corridor for residents traveling by foot or on a bike. Construction is scheduled for completion in fall 2024. Read More
Cool Pavement Program Hits 100-Mile Mark​​​​​​
In June, the department’s Cool Pavement Program reached a significant achievement as the 100th mile of the innovative seal coat was applied. Mayor Kate Gallego, and Vice Mayor and District 7 Councilwoman Yassamin Ansari joined with community members, media and city staff to celebrate the milestone in an Estrella neighborhood bordered by Lower Buckeye Road and Durango Street between 83rd and 79th avenues.
Phoenix's Cool Pavement Program started in 2020. During the last four years, the cool seal coating has been applied to the streets in dozens of neighborhoods citywide and the parking lot of Esteban Park. Read and Watch More
Fillmore Street Designated as Hans Hughes Memorial Bikeway
In April, signage was unveiled that designated Fillmore Street between Central Avenue and 7th Street as the Hans Hughes Memorial Bikeway. The family of the late Hans Hughes joined Mayor Kate Gallego, Vice Mayor and District 7 Councilwoman Yassamin Ansari, representatives from Downtown Phoenix Inc. (DPI) and city staff to celebrate the occasion. Installation of the signs was approved by Phoenix City Council in November 2022.
Hughes passed away in September 2021 from injuries sustained during a car-bicycle collision near 1st and Fillmore Streets in August 2021. The collision occurred as he rode his bike home from his job as a DPI Downtown Ambassador. Hughes was one of the most well-known, well-liked, and recognizable Ambassadors, serving the downtown community in that role for 12 years. Read and Watch More
Plan to Expand Bike Lane Miles Approved
In May, the City Council unanimously approved an Active Transportation Plan that will guide expansion of bike lane miles and improvements to the citywide transportation network. The plan is an update to the city's Bicycle Master Plan that was approved by City Council in 2014 and connects to Vision Zero and the Road Safety Action Plan that the City approved in September 2022.
A key component to the Active Transportation Plan is a strategy to help Phoenix meet a commitment to add 1,080 new bike lane miles by 2050, which is a benchmark of the Transportation 2050 Plan (T2050) that was approved by voters in 2015.
Active transportation is defined as walking, bicycling or rolling, and includes the use of micromobility vehicles such as e-scooters. By designing roadways to be inclusive of those forms of active travel this plan will help improve safety and connectivity, and will give people choices about how they move around the community. Read More
Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Award
In December, the department was awarded a $25 million Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The grant will help fund the ReVISIONing Indian School Road Project. The project will address safety of all roadway users on Indian School Road betw​een 91st and 39th Avenues, which is a corridor where a high number of collisions resulting in serious injury or death have occurred in recent years. The safety concerns for the corridor will be addressed with a variety of improvements, including the installation of sidewalks, pedestrian beacons, crossing improvements and lighting improvements. The design phase of the project is scheduled to start in 2024.
Institute of Transportation Engineers Awards
The department received three awards from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Mountain District.
- Achievement Award – Safety: Developing the Vision Zero/Road Safety Action Plan
- Achievement Award – Traffic Engineering: Enhancing HAWK Efficiency with Technology
- Best Implementation Project Award: Enhancing HAWK Efficiency with Technology
Follow Street Transportation Department news and updates year-round on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram​.