Pedestrian safety efforts across Phoenix are gaining momentum as the City's number of HAWK (High-Intensity Activated crossWalK) pedestrian signals continues to rise. Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, community members and staff from the Street Transportation Department celebrated the activation of the City's 50th HAWK pedestrian signal.
“Ensuring strong public transportation and creating walkable communities has long been a passion of mine," said Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego. “As Mayor, I am working with experts to push for greater pedestrian safety measures, like these HAWK signals. These signals don't just make families, students, and other pedestrians safer, they make the road safer for drivers as well. As we continue to grow, we must ensure that diverse transit options and walkability are at the top of our priority list."
HAWK signals feature pedestrian activated flashing red-yellow-red beacons and provide a safe crossing point for pedestrians at busy intersections and mid-block locations. HAWKs are similar to standard traffic signals; however, they do not feature a green-signal light and remain “dark" until activated by a pedestrian.
The 50th HAWK signal was activated today, June 7, 2019 at 20th Street and the Grand Canal. This signal's location is significant because it ties into three key transportation initiatives to enhance safety and mobility within the City of Phoenix – the Grand Canalscape Project, Oak Street Improvement Project and the 20th Street Improvement Project.
Enhancing pedestrian safety along the Grand Canal is one component of The Grand Canalscape project that will be complete in Fall 2019. The goal of this project is to develop a safe, comfortable and convenient route for bicycle and pedestrian traffic along the banks of the Grand Canal. The plan also focuses on improved crossings where streets intersect with the canal. These goals will be met, in part, by the installation of a total of 13 HAWK signals along the Grand Canal.
The City of Phoenix has installed seven HAWKs this year and 18 more are planned to be installed by the end of the year.
“Increasing the number of HAWKs is part of our commitment toward safer roads for pedestrians," said Councilwoman Debra Stark, chair of the Aviation and Transportation Subcommittee. “As the city continues to install more HAWKs, I encourage everyone to learn how HAWKs operate and what they mean for the pedestrian and driver."
Phoenix has a webpage to help motorists, cyclists and pedestrians understand how the HAWK pedestrian crossing signal works.
The HAWK signals being installed in Phase II and III of the Grand Canalscape project, including the 50th signal, are funded through the federal TIGER grant.
To learn more about HAWK signals, visit For more information about the Street Transportation Department, visit Follow the department on Twitter @StreetsPHX.