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    Lookout and Shadow Mountain

    These two mountains provide a chance to hike to a peak and enjoy vistas without the crowds and steep elevation gains of nearby Piestewa Peak and North Mountain.


    Lookout Mountain Park 1898 E. Evans Dr.

    Lookout Mountain Trailhead 15600 N. 16th St.

    Shadow Mountain - Acoma Dr. Access 2601 E. Acoma Dr.

    Shadow Mountain - 28th St. Access 13800 N. 28th St.
    (No parking or defined trailhead.)


    Lookout Mountain Park Parking/Entrance: 5.a.m to 10 p.m.

    Lookout Mountain Trailhead: Sunrise to 7 p.m. or sunset, whichever comes first.

    All other trails: 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.


    Ranger Office:602-262-7901

    Natural Resources Office (Business Hours Only):602-495-5458

    Contact Natural Resource staff regarding resource management at desert preserves:602-261-8318

    Know Before You Go

    Lookout and Shadow Mountain are smaller cousins to the more popular North Mountain area, located just to the south. Though lower in elevation than nearby summits, these two mountains provide a chance to hike to a peak and enjoy vistas without the crowds and steep elevation gains of nearby Piestewa Peak and North Mountain.

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