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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Special Inspections

    Special Inspection, as required by the P.B.C.C. Sections 1704, 2703, 2802 and 2903, is best defined as the monitoring of the materials and workmanship which are critical to the integrity of the building structure or building service equipment. This requires inspection by persons with specially developed skills to check the material and workmanship against the city-reviewed plans, specifications and contract documents. Further information can be found at the links listed below.

    Special Inspection and Observation Manual

    Special Inspector Application

    Special Inspector Qualification Reference

    Special Inspections Approved List​

    Special Inspection Type Key with Description of Discipline​​

    Special Inspections Certificates

    Observation Certificates

    Professional observation, as required by the P.B.C.C. Sections 1709, 2704, 2803 and 2904, is performed by the registered design professional. The professional provides on-site visits to observe compliance with city-approved construction drawings at significant construction stages and at completion of identified systems. This observation provides an additional level of inspection beyond those provided by the city building inspector or the special inspector.

    For more information, contact Planning & Development at 602-262-7811.