The City of Phoenix requires the review of landscape plans for commercial, industrial and subdivision projects. Plans are checked for code compliance and health and safety issues. The landscape reviewer checks the quantities, sizes and varieties of plant material as well as the placement of that material. The plans are coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Department when parks issues affect the project.
Landscape plans are classified as civil plans and therefore are reviewed under the civil plan review process. Select from the landscape topics below for additional information.
- Frequently Asked Questions - Landscape
- Guidelines for Submitting Landscape Revisions
- Hillside Information
- Hillside and Landscape Information Resources for Phoenix Customers
- Slope Analysis
- Sonoran Desert Plant List
Inventory and Salvage Preservation
- Landscape, Inventory and Salvage Summary Sheet
- Landscape Inventory and Salvage Plan Submittal Policy
- Combination Inventory/Salvage Checklist
- Inventory Plan Checklist
- Salvage and Conservation Plan Checklist
Landscape Plan Review (Commercial & Residential)
- Landscape Plan Checklist
- Landscape, Public Trail and Path Checklist
- Supplement (for city-maintained landscaping only)
Preservation Lots (Single Family Residential)
- Preservation, Inventory and Salvage Plan Checklist
- Preservation Plan Checklist, Single Family Residential
- Preservation, Revegetation Plan Checklist
AZASLA Virtual Presentation by the City of Phoenix
For more information, contact your project team leader or Planning & Development at 602-262-7811.