​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​South Central Transit Oriented Development logo       South Central

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Project Overview

In 2016 the City of Phoenix was awarded a federal grant to engage the community and support local businesses along the South Central Avenue planned light rail extension. The product of this grant exercise will be a living document, inspired by the hearts and voices of the community. The project has two major activity areas which are further divided into several key tasks and subtasks. The two major activity areas are TOD Planning and Business Assistance. 


        Project Map

       Green boundary = TOD Planning area

       Orange boundary = Business Assistance Program area

TOC Planning

The City of Phoenix in collaboration with project partners, community stakeholders, and the Mayor and Council appointed Steering Committee will develop a TOD policy plan specific to the South Central corridor. This plan will serve to attract, guide, and prioritize strategic investments in infrastructure, housing, economic development, and other areas to realize a shared community vision for the future of the corridor.

The policy plan will be developed through three phases of planning:

  • Current Conditions Assessments (Where we are today)

  • Vision

    for the Future (Where we want to be)

  • Implementation (How we get there)


South Central TOD Steering Committee

The primary role of the Steering Committee members is to serve as a community leader by representing their stakeholder group and participating in the creation of a TOD policy plan that is specific to the South Central Corridor. Steering Committee members guide in developing a community vision and implementation strategies. Steering Committee members also advocate for and play a direct role in implementing the plan.

Steering Committee meetings are open to the community and take place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Please consult the public meetings notices page for an Agenda to confirm when and where the meeting will occur.  ​

TOD Planning Project Resources
2020 South Central TOD Steering Committee Approved Dates

Business Assistance:

The intent of the business assistance program is to engage businesses and property owners generally within a one-quarter mile of the light rail extension to gain an understanding of their existing business operations, resources, and constraints.​

The program will also:

  • Identify a range of tools to support these businesses before, during, and after construction
  • Track implementation of the tools and resources to evaluate the effectiveness
  • Document the business assistance efforts in a program manual that can be replicated and built upon for future light rail extensions
For more information regarding business assistance please visit our project partners websites below.​

South Central TOD Community Plan (City Council Adopted​)​​​

Adoption Hearing Schedule 

  • Monday January 10, 2022- Central Village Planning Committee
  • Tuesday January 11, 2022- South Mountain Village Planning Committee
  • Thursday February 3, 2022- Planning Commission
  • Wednesday March 2, 2022- City Council

Other Projects and Resources:

Project Partners:




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