​​Wordmark: Appointment-Based Bulk Trash

Button that says 'Schedule an appointment' 

Appointments are now available for bulk trash pickups! Use the button above, or call us at 602-262-6251 to schedule your appointment.​

If you are trying to schedule a bulk trash appointment and do not see available dates, that means all appointments are currently booked. We encourage you to check the online portal frequently or call our office at 602-262-6251 for assistance, as new appointments may become available. ​

Please note: Some communities schedule bulk trash collection for their entire neighborhood at once. Before trying to schedule your pickup, check here to see if your neighborhood already has a community appointment arranged.​​​​

Scheduling reminders:​

  • ​Appointments can be made as late as 3 business days in advance

  • Customers can schedule up to four (4) collection opportunities each year.

  • Make sure you have your appointment scheduled before you begin placing your bulk items at the curb (no more than 7 days ahead of your scheduled date). It is a violation of city ordinance to place trash out more than 7 days before your scheduled appointment. 

  • The scheduler blocks out the following holidays, including the 7 days after each holiday: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. This helps ensure no bulk trash is placed out during these peak holidays.

Read about the benefits of the program.​

Current schedules:​​

Interactive collection schedule
Appointment-Based Bulk Trash Info SheetEN BREVE: Basura en Volumen por CitaBulk Trash Day of Collection by RegionDía de Recolección de Basura en Volumen por RegiónAppliance RecyclingDumpster Rental

About Bulk Trash Services

Bulk trash consists of materials that are too large and must not be placed in the garbage or recycling container. Materials such as furniture, small appliances, toilets and large amounts of vegetation are often considered bulk trash. Bulk trash is now collected by appointment only. There are specific guidelines that must be followed or we cannot collect bulk trash from your property. Please read the Dos and Don'ts on this page. 

Curbside placement

Do not place pile on top of water meters.

Bulk Trash Placement Guidelines


  • Make an appointment before setting out your bulk item
  • Set bulk items out in a single pile no larger than ten (10) cubic yards per residence​
  • ​Securely bag and tie all grass, leaves, weeds, twigs and hedge clippings before placing out for bulk trash
  • Cut tree trimmings down to less than 12" in diameter and 4' in length​
  • Place your bulk trash curbside, on the edge of your property parallel to the street or curb
  • Keep pile at least 5 feet away from any fixed objects
  • Have your items placed by 5:30 a.m. on your scheduled appointment date
  • Sweep or rake area after collection, if necessary​A properly placed pile of bulk trash, including boxes, pallets, and tree branches cut down to a manageable size.

Don't Include:​

  • More than ten (10) cubic yards of bulk trash per residence.
  • Loose debris and litter, and any ordinary household trash
  • ​Loose grass, leaves, weeds, twigs and hedge clippings
  • Household hazardous waste (HHW), such as antifreeze, pool chemicals, oil, batteries and paint
  • Community piles – avoid combining piles from multiple households. Each household should schedule an appointment for its individual pile.​
  • Materials placed in the Bagster bags
  • Materials such as bricks, concrete, dirt, rocks, asphalt and roofing shingles/tiles
  • Construction or demolition materials in excess of 25 pounds or over four feet long
  • Metal or car parts in excess of 20 pounds or over four feet long
  • ​Tires, any shape or size
  • Glass such as windows, shower doors, patio doors, mirrors, fluorescent tubes, etc.
  • Tree trunks or stumps longer than 4 feet and bigger than 12 inches in diameter
  • Large appliances that use refrigerants such as freezers, refrigerators and air conditioners. For appliance recycling options, visit ​the Appliance Recycling page.

Illegal dumping

Illegal dumping – also known as “midnight dumping” and “open dumping” is the dumping of trash without legal permission at another location. This includes dumping yard waste, appliances, tires and other garbage in alleys, dumpsters, vacant lots and open desert locations. 

If illegal dumping is in progress, call: 

  • Police Department at 9-1-1 (emergencies)​
  • Crime Stop at 602-262-6151 (non-emergencies)
  • ​​Otherwise, contact Public Works at 602-262-6251.

All Information is confidential.

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Public Works Department



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