
Phoenix’s Zero Waste and Circular Economy Roadmap

The Roadmap seeks 50% waste diversion by 2030 and zero waste by 2050, consistent with the goals set by the City’s Climate Action Plan​. The purpose of this Roadmap is to highlight past achievements and recommend specific approaches and short- to long-term actions to help the City achieve the waste diversion goals. The City seeks to maximize efforts to increase the reuse of materials and recycling efforts to further divert the amount of wasted resources Phoenix residents send to the landfill. Our efforts will lessen environmental impacts by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere to exacerbate global warming, while creating healthier communities, and spurring economic activity.

Zero Waste & Circular Economy Roadmap (coming soon)
Hoja de Ruta de Phoenix hacia la Economía Circular y Cero Residuos

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