Mountain View Road to Peoria Avenue, 15th to 7th Avenues

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About the Project

This is a federally-funded project through the Safe Routes to School Programs, and will enhance safety and accessibility for school children and other pedestrians near Mountain View Elementary School. The project will make sidewalk and other improvements in the project area bounded by Mountain View Road to Peoria Avenue and 15th to 7th avenues. The project includes constructing new sidewalks where none currently exist, reconstructing and widening existing sidewalks, installing new ADA ramps, installing new curb and gutter, new driveways, relocating poles and fire hydrants, roadway paving and installing new LED streetlights.

​Project Highlights

  • New and reconstructed sidewalks
  • New driveways and driveway reconstruction
  • ADA ramp construction
  • New street lighting​

Community Updates

The Street Transportation Department updated the community about this project and introduced the ​7th Avenue and Mountain View Road Project​
in a January 19, 2023 virtual public meeting. Please view the virtual meeting below for an update on both projects.

January 19 2023 Virtual Meeting

February 23 2022 Virtual Meeting

Project Area


Please open the map below to see the specific types of work proposed and the locations where that work will take place.

Detailed Map of Project Area with Legend

Goals of the Project

  • Improve pedestrian safety and connectivity and meet Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines. 
  • Provide safe places for pedestrians to walk so they do not have to share the roadway with motor vehicles.​


Design is complete. 

Construction began in January 2024 and is anticipated to be complete in summer 2024.

Project Contact

For additional information, please contact:

Paul NjiRaini, Project Manager

Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program
Title VI Notice to the Public and ADA Policy Statement

The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department hereby gives notice that it is the agency's policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related statutes and regulations in all program​​​​​​​s and activities. These federal statutes require that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, activity or service the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department administers. More information regarding the Title VI program can be found at Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program or email  STR Title VI Program.​