Watch the Meeting Video
Click on the video player above, or click here to view it on YouTube, to watch the pre-recorded public meeting .
About the Proposal
The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department is proposing to add a bicycle lane in each direction on 40th Street between Washington Street and Loop 202. The bike lane would be added by removing one southbound travel lane from Washington Street to 500’ north of Fillmore Street, and by narrowing the travel lanes from 500’ north of Fillmore Street to Loop 202. Parking restrictions would remain the same.
Project Schedule
Pavement maintenance (new asphalt) is scheduled for Fall 2021 and traffic lane improvements would happen shortly after.
Project Improvements
The addition of bicycle lanes add dedicated space for people riding bicycles and make it easier for motorists to see them. This improves both comfort and safety for all users of the roadway. The dedicated space of a bicycle lane adds distance between people driving and people walking or bicycling for increased protection. Additionally, the slight narrowing of the lane widths to accommodate the bicycle lanes will help to guide cars and deter speeding. The proposed bike lanes provide connectivity to nearby bike lanes on 40th Street north of Loop 202 and on Washington Street.